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Anti-PEGIDA rally: refugees welcome, no to Islamophobia

June 29, 2016 - Pam Johnson

Grassy Narrows mercury poisoning is an emergency! Wynne: clean the river now!

June 27, 2016 - Michelle Robidoux and Christine Beckermann

Saskatoon’s TPP consultation

June 21, 2016 - Catherine Gendron

Migrant Workers rally in Toronto and across Canada

June 10, 2016 - Gustavo Carlos

Saskatoon mobilizes around People’s Climate Plan

June 3, 2016 - Catherine Gendron

‘Spirit of Hope’ draws war criminals to Toronto

May 28, 2016 - Stephen Ellis

Justice for Gilary Massa!

May 9, 2016 - Article by Valerie Lannon, photo by Kevin Taghabon

May Day: Toronto airport workers united

May 2, 2016 - Peter Hogarth

Fight for $15, from Chicago to Toronto

April 30, 2016 - Paula Greenberg and Pam Frache

Iron and Earth: oil sands workers demand climate jobs

April 28, 2016 - Bradley Hughes

Conference highlights movements for real change

April 26, 2016

Black Lives Matter-Toronto confront Wynne and Tory

April 2, 2016

Rallies across the country tell Trudeau to stop the war

March 22, 2016 - Brian Champ

People’s Climate Assembly, Vancouver

March 15, 2016 - Lisa Descary

Contract faculty day of action

March 9, 2016 - G. Graham

Hundreds rally against Uber on Parliament Hill

February 26, 2016 - Chantal Sundaram

Quebec teachers’ union marches in Gatineau

December 10, 2015 - Chantal Sundaram

CUPE 3903 Day of Solidarity with UNITE local 75

December 3, 2015 - Stephen Ellis

Taking back Remembrance Day in Montreal

November 13, 2015 - Chantal Sundaram

SFU Students Stand in Solidarity with TSSU

October 29, 2015 - Kiera Porisky, Tania Wodzinsky, Lema Ghailan and Eric Lescarbeau


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