

LCBO workers show it's right to strike
It's right to strike
LCBO workers, members of OPSEU, ratified a new contract with the LCBO on July 21 after an historic two-week strike...more
Microsoft outage and digital monopolies
The global Microsoft/CrowdStrike outage is yet another indication that our technological world, in the era of digital monopolies, is a...more
Student Revolt in Bangladesh
photo: Rayhan9d - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 

For the past few weeks, students have taken to the streets across...more
Horror in Gaza
New reports show the death toll Gaza is much worse than the official count
The terrorist Israeli state is ramping up attacks on Palestinians as new reports show a much higher death toll than...more
Trump and the US empire's political violence
Trump stands for all the worst in capitalist society: racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, corruption, devotion to the police and military. He...more
Amazon workers speak out about their union drive
The first Amazon warehouse in Canada became a union in Laval, Quebec, in spring 2024. Socialist Worker spoke with a...more

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