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LCBO workers show it's right to strike
It's right to strike
LCBO workers, members of OPSEU, ratified a new contract with the LCBO on July 21 after an historic two-week strike...more)
Microsoft outage and digital monopolies
The global Microsoft/CrowdStrike outage is yet another indication that our technological world, in the era of digital monopolies, is a...more)
Student Revolt in Bangladesh
photo: Rayhan9d - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 

For the past few weeks, students have taken to the streets across...more)
Horror in Gaza
New reports show the death toll Gaza is much worse than the official count
The terrorist Israeli state is ramping up attacks on Palestinians as new reports show a much higher death toll than...more)
Trump and the US empire's political violence
Trump stands for all the worst in capitalist society: racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, corruption, devotion to the police and military. He...more)
Amazon workers speak out about their union drive
The first Amazon warehouse in Canada became a union in Laval, Quebec, in spring 2024. Socialist Worker spoke with a...more)
Liquor Store workers strike back at Ford
Liquor and beer purchases should fund hospitals, not billionaires’ yachts
Workers are on picket lines across the province trying to stop Doug Ford’s plan to privatize Ontario’s public liquor stores,...more)
Poilievre rises because labour and NDP refuse to fight Trudeau
The recent by-election loss in what has for 30 years been a safe Liberal seat has exposed how deep the...more)
Westjet decision exposes the sham of Liberal “anti-scab” legislation
The recent experience of the hundreds of airline mechanics at Westjet exposes the sham of the recent “anti-scab” legislation passed...more)
Hey Siri, Are you messing around with the balance of power?
On May 14th, the Biden administration announced massive increases in tariffs on hi-tech imports from China, ranging from electric vehicles,...more)
CUPE Ontario convention 2024 – continuing the struggle
Approximately 1200 delegates recently attended the CUPE Ontario Division convention that took place in Toronto from May 28 to June...more)
Tax rich polluters for a just transition
In 2015 when Trudeau came to power there was a sense of relief for many that the Harper era was...more)
Election in India: Modi loses majority
The BJP landslide didn't happen this time
On June 4th, people in India were glued to their seats as election results were being announced for the 2024...more)
Stop gas plant expansion
Doug Ford is set to increase emissions dramatically in Ontario
On May 15th a packed house attended a public forum at the Ralph Thornton Community Centre in South Riverdale on...more)
Nurses and other Quebec unions slam the CAQ
With the criminal dismantling of Ontario’s public healthcare system by Doug Ford, the stand by Quebec unions against Ford’s counterpart...more)
Bird flu: capitalism drives more deadly pandemics
Factory farm
Agribusiness is breeding the next pandemic
Recent headlines on the accelerating transmission of Avian flu from birds to mammals, including to humans, are rightly causing alarm...more)
PSAC 610 strike shows strong results of union solidarity at Western
On Friday, April 11, Western’s campus and the city of London saw the beginning of an 18-day strike by the...more)
Climate chaos fuelling Alberta wildfires
While regions closer to the equator have borne the brunt of the climate crisis, once again the devastation is being...more)
Civil War provides no answers to the current political crisis
There have been a lot of superlatives for British director Alex Garland’s new movie Civil War. As the title tells...more)
Growing labour support for Palestine encampments
On Monday May 6th, just days after the establishment of the Peoples Circle for Palestine encampment on King's College Circle...more)
Workers are fed up with cost of living increases
It's right to strike!
After a short lull in strikes workers across the country have returned to the picket lines, fighting to make up...more)
“Arab, Jewish, Black and White, Workers of the World Unite!”
Unions must come onto the streets against genocide
Campuses across the US, and now in Canada, have experienced an eruption of student protests decrying Israel’s war on the...more)
UBC students show the way: Escalate!
Free Palestine!
UBC students join the encampment movement with the People's University for Gaza
When I visited the Palestine solidarity encampment at UBC I was immediately struck by how calm, peaceful, and well organized...more)
McGill academic workers rise up
“Even the sun’s on strike today.” That’s what a McGill teaching assistant’s picket sign read on April 8, the day...more)
Marx, Engels and the rise of the working class
Capitalism is founded on land theft, slavery and exploitation. But a new force – the working class – has the...more)


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