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Conservatives are the party of the far-right convoy
If there was ever any doubt, the recent Conservative party convention put it to rest – this is the party...more)
Join the global march to end fossil fuels
The stakes are higher than ever - join the protests across the world
The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC), is a not-for-profit corporation coordinating resources, mutual aid and information sharing between federal,...more)
Pirates of the Oil Industry
A tanker full of crude oil recently unloaded in Galveston, Texas, its load bound for Houston area refineries. No big...more)
“I am not a crook!” Ontario style
Months ago, it came to light that the elite of Ontario’s developers had lined up at a “stag and doe”...more)
COVID comeback? It never left.
In July, Bronny James, son of NBA star LeBron James, suffered cardiac arrest during basketball practice with his college team...more)
Capitalism fanned the flames in Lahaina
Ruins of Lahaina, CC BY 2.0 State Farm
Climate change and land use decisions created the castastrophe in Lahaina
On August 8 fire ripped through the town of Lahaina on the Hawaiian island of Maui. That evening over 2000...more)
Death Cult Capitalism
Full disclosure: the following is not a book review of The WSJ Guide to Investing in the Apocalypse: Make Money...more)
Capitalism and the crisis of biodiversity
Capitalism and the crisis of biodiersity Speaker: Sarah Ensor – UK climate justice activist and socialist, member of the Public...more)
Room is still dirty: A photojournalism expose of the Ottawa Civic Hospital, by David Julian Wightman
Room is still dirty A photojournalism expose of the Ottawa Civic Hospital, by David Julian Wightman The Ford government along...more)
Climate change threatening food supplies
The crisis of climate change is not a matter for the future, it is upon us. The government of India...more)
Say NO to discharge of radioactive waste water at Fukushima
There is no safe way to release that much radioactive waste
Recently the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) has approved plans by Japan to release more than 1m tonnes of radioactive...more)
Be on guard for for-profit healthcare scams
The result of Ford's attack on public healthcare
Reports abound of medical clinics and testing companies billing patients for tests and procedures prescribed by doctors – thing that...more)
Sub standard
In April of 2010 the single biggest human-caused environmental disaster occurred in the Gulf of Mexico: the Deepwater Horizon offshore...more)
Victory to the Longshore workers!
The ILWU strike shows the power of the working class in action
Around 7,400 workers at more than 30 ports in British Columbia have been on strike since July 1. Every year,...more)
Canada breaks wildfire record
Urgent action is needed to stop the superheating of the planet
It's official. As of June 26th, a greater area of forest in Canada has been burned than in any other...more)
Victory for Janitors in BC!
Justice 4 Janitors reaches new deal in city-wide bargaining
More than 2500 SEIU workers in BC have won significant gains in an historic fight. The workers have been jointly...more)
The far-right and Islam
We fight against Islamophobia anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate
At a recent confrontation in Ottawa, far-right bigots attempted to protest a number of schools supporting 2SLGBTQ+ rights. They were...more)
International student workers occupy and win!
The fight is not over and further solidarity may be needed
Hundreds of students faced with deportation have been occupying the CBSA site on Airport road for more than 2 weeks...more)
Protect Trans students - the fight for policy 713 in New Brunswick
Sign the petition and join the fight
The Government of New Brunswick has made changes to policy 713, which protects sexual and gender nonconforming students in schools...more)
#StatusCodeRed - Toronto paramedics fight underfunding
Support the campaign - links in article
Toronto paramedic services are suffering from a lack of staff and lack of ambulances, and it is dramatically affecting services...more)
RCMP 150: a history of racism and violence
On May 15, the broken body of a 15-year-old Quw’utsun Mustimuhw girl was found behind a Super-8 Motel in the...more)
Hundreds of thousands say no to Ford’s healthcare privatization
How can this mass poll be the foundation of a new movement?
Across Ontario, more than 400,000 people voted in a people’s referendum on the question of privatizing healthcare. The vote was...more)
Workers at Casino Woodbine fight and win
Strong pickets shut down the casino and paved the way to a win
On May 8th, over 800 workers at Casino Woodbine, represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada, were locked out...more)
Alberta Election: Far right holds on to its prairie stronghold
In the end it wasn’t even close. Danielle Smith’s far-right UCP kicked the ANDP to the kerb, winning a clear...more)
Reflection on elections in Turkey: there is no short-cut to defeat the AKP-MHP alliance and Erdogan for the working class.
The run-off presidential elections in Turkey on May 28th ended with the victory of the incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with...more)


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