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Socialist study series: The future socialist society


427 bloor st west and zoom Tkronto , ON
Ontario CA

Socialist study series
@Resistance bookroom 427 Bloor St. W. and zoom

The Future Socialist Society
Sunday, December 1 | 2 pm eastern | 11 am pacific
We can win a better world. Humanity has all the tools and knowledge to build a society that provides for all our needs and protects the planet. But, instead we live in a world of forced deprivation, vicious violence and endless growth of billionaire bank accounts at the expense of the vast majority. 
How do we cross over to a world that values human life and the natural world? What could that new society look like if we rid ourselves of the oppression of capitalism? Join us to discuss the future we want and learn how to best fight for it. 
Suggested readings
Socialist Worker UK (August 2016)
John Molyneux (January 1987)
Register for the zoom link here!
Organized by Marx21USand the International Socialists


Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 14:00
Organized by: 
International Socialists

Featured Event



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