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Climate emergency: California’s Dark
Many of the world’s great cities – great in both the subjective and objective senses – are dying from climate...more
Kenney’s austerity budget slams most vulnerable
In his first UCP budget, gave massive tax cuts to the oil and gas industry, promising to cut the tax...more
Sports Report: An impeach of a World Series
The World Series contest between the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals, that virtually no one anywhere outside those cities cares...more
Film review: Parasite (2019) - Crazy Class-conscious Asians
Who is this film for? Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite opens with a movie screen-like window where the impoverished Kim...more
"Selling our future for their comfort and profit"
Fridays for the Future rally in Vancouver
Thousands rally for their future.
Thousands filled the streets of downtown Vancouver today to protest government inaction on climate change. Greta Thunberg addressed the crowd...more
Back to politics on the street - post election analysis
NOw that the election mess is over we can all go back to building a better world
The 2019 federal election will leave a sour taste in the mouths of most party faithful - regardless of the...more
Solidarity with Catalonia
The solidarity rally in Toronto for Catalonia was one of dozens held around the world after a Spanish court took...more
Green results wither
Green Party candidates did well across the maritime provinces, winning a seat in New Brunswick. Other Green candidates ran strong...more
People’s Party: down but unfortunately not out
Many people are celebrating the defeat of Maxime Bernier in his own riding of Beauce. He had held the seat...more
Why the Bloc Quebecois?
The wild card that determined the outcome of the election is the resurgence of the Bloc Quebecois. In Quebec, there...more


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