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How Climate Strikes can win
Student strikes for the planet are symbolically important, and civil disobedience like that organized by XR is a powerful motivator, but it will require mass strike action by workers to win the change we need on climate change.
The global student climate strikes, along with Extinction Rebellion (XR) mass civil disobedience have had a huge impact. The clear...more
Extinction Rebellion activist speaks: troublemakers can change the world
Howard Breen tried to arrest the Liberal Environment Minister for crimes against humanity–then he was arrested by the RCMP. He tells his story
Howard Breen is a veteran activist and member of Extinction Rebellion Vancouver Island. On August 19 he was arrested while...more
The looming Trump Slump
The Chosen One looks for answers.
Trump or no Trump, capitalism is stuck in a cycle of increasingly shallow booms and deep slumps.
In 2009 the late British Marxist Chris Harman published a book called Zombie Capitalism . When he began writing the...more
Kenney & Ford: Tories on the take
In Alberta the newly elected United Conservative government of Jason Kenney is under a barrage of charges detailing election fraud...more
The Reality of Revolution
Revolution is not an abstraction. Revolutionary struggles are breaking out around the globe.
Far too often the word revolution is followed with a conversation about theory or examples from past history. However this...more
Canadian Forces and the far-right
A brief history for far-right organizing in Canada's military
Authorities are scrambling to distance the Canadian Forces from a Winnipeg army reservist who has been found recruiting for a...more
Never Again is Now: eye witness from the Rhode Island ICE protest
A guard captain drove his truck into a peaceful protest at a Rhode Island immigrant detention centre. Maurice Methot was there.
On August 14, protesters with Never Again Action,a Jewish group formed in the past two months, and Amor, a Rhode...more
Australian pol reveals void at capitalism’s heart: Human survival is just “annoying”
Rising sea levels threaten to swamp Pacific island nations like Tuvalu, but for Australian Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack that...more
Tory plan to cash in on climate chaos
A veteran Tory exposes the system: climate chaos is a golden opportunity to make profit
Joe Oliver spills the beans: The time has come to stop fighting climate change. Instead Canada should be looking for...more
Toxic tar sands mine approved “in the public interest”
For tar sands regulators, “public interest” starts and ends with profit.
A tar sands mine that will destroy an area of 240 square kilometres has just been approved. The Teck Resources’...more


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