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The names have been changed to protect the guilty
Health rally at Queen's Park April 30th 2019
For the second time in just over a year Ford rearranges his trained seals
Not content to grant themselves a 5 month holiday, the Doug Ford Conservatives insist on keeping in the public eye...more
Liberal hypocrisy on climate emergency
All out to stop the TMX pipeline
Just days after declaring a “climate emergency”, PM Justin Trudeau announced his government was approving construction of the Trans-Mountain pipeline...more
Doom Patrol – the superhero antidote to Trump’s America
Doom Patrol promotional image
Maybe we aren’t doomed after all
I tuned in to Doom Patrol (Space Channel) with low expectations. Another superhero show, yawn. And this one from the...more
Solidarity march with locked-out Quebec workers
Toronto Steelworkers join solidarity action in Trois-Rivières
Thousands gathered to support workers locked out by ABI, a smelter owned by ALCOA.
Over 6,000 primarily industrial workers from all over Quebec traveled to Trois-Rivières on Saturday, May 25th to show solidarity with...more
Mark Norman, Big Business and military excess
Stephen Harper, Mark Norman, Justin Trudeau
While Tories and Liberals throw around millions to buy votes, Grassy Narrows is denied basic life-saving services
While Grassy Narrows endures endless suffering waiting for a treatment centre, funding and clean-up of their community, the Conservatives and...more
To beat Scheer, fight Ford
Fightback against Ford can sink Scheer
When cracks in the Tory façade appear is the time to increase the offensive
As the fall federal election looms, the strategic voting rhetoric is coming to a boil. Not surprisingly, most of the...more
Booksmart: Smart, feminist and funny
Review of Booksmart “The young generation are like: ‘You’ve put us in a fucked-up political situation, the Earth is dying,...more
The fight for reproductive justice is a fight for us all
Rally for reproductive justice at Queen's Park May 2019
Attacks on public health will cut funding to sexual health clinics that provide both birth control and abortion referrals in Ontario
The horror of what is happening in the United States to women and all those seeking control over their bodies...more
Plumbers and steamfitters strike against concessions
First major strike under the Ford government could have serious effect on key industrial and infrastructure projects
Picket lines went up across cities, towns and worksites in Ontario this week as 12,000 members of the United Association...more
Sudanese revolution: interview with Egyptian socialist
Police block student march on Nile Street in Khartoum
The Sudanese revolution enters a new, critical phase as military attacks peaceful protest
In late May, spoke with Ibrahim, an Egyptian socialist, about the events unfolding in Sudan. As this article was...more


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