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A blustery wind from Alberta
The real opposition to Kenney will be in the streets
On election night in Alberta, Jason Kenney began his slick victory speech declaring Alberta ‘open for business!’ Again and again...more
This budget is murder
Banner at Sudbury Pride 2018
Ford preys on fear, we need to build on hope.
Recently a friend initiated a game, asking where and when in history people would rather have been born. Almost without...more
Trudeau’s budget fuels racism
The Liberals will always have money for war
Liberals fund pipelines, borders, cops and war
The killing of 50 Muslim worshipers in New Zealand resulted in an immediate spike in Islamophobic incidents worldwide. 
Justice for Janitors movement wins big in Toronto
Janitors at Fight for $15 and Fairness rally
Janitors win pensions, health benefits, and surpass $15/hr
In the last week of March thousands of workers in the janitorial industry made a historic breakthrough by winning a...more
Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party launches in South Africa
Delegates to the founding meeting of the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party, photo  @OfficialSRWP on Facebook
A new workers’ party in South Africa is committed to revolution
The Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) has been formally launched in South Africa . Over 1,000 delegates from its many...more
SFU students push for fee freeze
Students take protest to SFU Board of Governors
No student a cash cow, tuition freeze now!
A few weeks ago marked a critical point in the Tuition Freeze Now (TFN) campaign at Simon Fraser University, with...more
Kenney’s UCP abounds with bigots
Homophobia, misogyny and white supremacy in the United Conservative party
Watching Jason Kenney’s UCP campaign in the Alberta election is like watching a clown car empty out in front of...more
"We can't wait for adults, we have to do this now"
Placard reads "You're a mean one Mr. Ford"
Thousands of students walk out to protest Ford education cuts
Tens of thousands of elementary, middle and high school students walked out of class in Ontario to protest cuts to...more
A call to battle
The Toronto and York Region Labour Council stewards assembly meets to plan the fight againist Ford
Almost 900 stewards and trade union activists gathered in downtown Toronto for the first multi-union stewards assembly in years. The...more
Quebec solidaire votes to fight ban on religious symbols
Delegates at Quebec solidaire National Council meeting vote overwhelmingly to fight the ban on religious symbols
Party also launches ultimatum to CAQ government on climate change
With chants of So-so-so solidarité, Quebec solidaire delegates celebrated a decisive vote in favour of opposing any and all ban...more


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