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Imperialism and resistance in Haiti
Haitians protest the coup that toppled Jean Bertrand Aristide
The people of Haiti are in revolt. The immediate reason for the uprisings is the pilfering of billions of dollars...more
Ontario students in revolt
Students protest Ford's cuts to education
Students all over Ontario are marching against the Ford government’s cuts. spoke with student organizer Mohammad Ali about the...more
Tuition Freeze Now, cross campus solidarity, and keeping the fight alive
Burn the Palaces brought together students and workers from several campuses
The Tuition Freeze Now movement is building a stronger student movement
It is not often that you can find a room full of activists from at least three different campuses and...more
49 years of cuts at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ - Langara College
Students at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ - Langara College protest 49 years of cuts
College administrators have presided over 49 years of declining living standards for students and workers at snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ - Langara.
This year snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ - Langara College is celebrating it’s 49th anniversary. The choice of an odd year to celebrate...more
Activists shut down bigots in Toronto
Community members protest hate in Toronto
Two far-right rallies fizzle in face of anti-racist mobilization
The sun was shining on Saturday February 23rd in Toronto, but that wasn't the only reason to smile in the...more
Nuclear-armed India and Pakistan close to war over Kashmir
Kashmiri students in Dehradun protest after hostel managers forced some of them from their lodgings just as far right mobs hunted them
The governments of India and Pakistan have no genuine interest in the lives of ordinary people in their countries, and neither do their backers in Beijing and Washington.
India and Pakistan are once more on the brink of terrible conflict. And again the disputed and divided region of...more
Capharnaüm, a film of chaos and miracles
Still image from the film Capharnaüm showing two young children
In her film, Capharnaüm, Nadine Labaki lets Beirut’s poor tell their own story in their own words.
The film Capharnaüm , nominated for an Academy Award for best foreign-language film, tells the story of undocumented refugees and...more
Yellow vests, brown shirts: convoy runs out of fuel
Counter-protest calls for just transition and respect for Indigenous sovereignty. Photo: Council of Canadians
Racists drowned out by counter-protest
They called it “United We Roll”. In fact it was more like “United We’re Trolls”. After weeks of hype, with...more
PowerShift activists debate a Green New Deal for the Canadian state
Panel discussion at PowerShift
Proposal can challenge the logic of capitalist system
PowerShift, a convergence for climate justice that began in the US 10 years ago, continued in Ottawa this year with...more
SNC Lavalin corruption roots run deep
SNC Lavalin headquarters in Montreal
Trudeau has made it easier to be a corporate crook in Canada
As the pressure on his government from the latest SNC Lavalin scandal mounted, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the press:...more


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