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Climate action: governments stall while the people rise up
Around the world, more and more people are fighting to prevent climate chaos, and demanding radical action from governments
In a tragic recreation of Nero fiddling while Rome burns, we see our governments using carbon taxation as the panacea...more
Ford’s attack on Ontario’s poorest intensifies
Forcing people off of social assistance and into precarious employment in the midst of a housing crisis won’t move people out of poverty.
Just a couple of months ago people in Ontario living on social assistance waited with bated breath while Ford’s Social...more
Climate Crisis Accelerating – Radical Action Required
The richest 10% are responsible for almost half of total lifestyle consumption emissions.
The working class, not the market, is the key to solving the climate crisis
Dire warnings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released last month have reignited debates over who is to blame...more
Vision’s ghost haunts Vancouver’s 2019 budget
Budget gives whopping increase to police
On December 18 th 2018, Vancouver city council voted to approve the 2019 Capital and Operating Budget. One section of...more
Climate economy: what could just transitions mean?
Interview with Bruno Dobrusin
The Toronto Good Jobs for All (GJFA) Coalition is busy planning a round table in early 2019 that will involve...more
Hands off Unist'ot'en! Respect Indigenous sovereignty
Emergency solidarity actions oppose Trans-Canada injunction
TransCanada has filed an injunction for the forceful removal of the Indigenous re-occupation of Unist’ot’en territory. This is the company...more
'Songs of Resistance 1942 – 2018' Review
Anti-Fascist anthems for the Trump age
Marc Ribot may not be a household name in the music world, though fans of rock and the New York...more
Stop Mohamed Harkat’s deportation to torture
Sign the petition now!
The federal government is pushing to deport Mohamed Harkat to torture. The matter is urgent and imminent. Harkat, a United...more
Solidarity action blockades South Central in Toronto
Solidarity actions continue to defend workers rights
Trade union members from CUPE, OPSEU, Steelworkers, teachers’ unions and community members blockaded South Central letter sorting plant in Toronto...more
T'karonto Rallies to Support Unist’ot’en Camp
“Can’t drink oil. Leave it in the soil.”
In solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Camp, about 100 activists in T’karonto protested downtown on December 10 at the RBC Centre...more


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