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Far-right fail in Burnaby, BC
A handful of far right supporters were outnumbered by counter-protesters
Far right fails to find support in Burnaby, BC.
On Saturday, the far-right group, National Citizens Alliance, flew their candidate in from Calgary to drum up support for their...more
Canada fuels crisis in Venezuela
The Bolivarian revolution resulted in significant improvements for the working class in Venezuela.
Trudeau is pushing for regime change in Venezuela in order to open up the country for pillage by “our” corporations.
The government of Canada has announced its support for the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, essentially green-lighting a coup to...more
Tuition Freeze Now! – the campaign against tuition hikes at Simon Fraser University
Tuition Freeze Now campaign
There is no good reason to raise tuition fees at SFU.
As the Ford government has become committed to severely and ruthlessly re-shaping higher education in Ontario, students in British Columbia...more
Trump crumbles and LA teachers win: the power of organized workers
LA Teachers' strike wins! Photo by United Teachers Los Angeles
Striking air traffic controllers and teachers win big!
In mere hours, a sick-in and strike threat by air traffic controllers brought Trump to his knees. On January 25,...more
The Capitalist Blues
 Leyla McCalla
Review: Leyla McCalla - The Capitalist Blues Political music was king in 2018. Childish Gambino’s “This is America,” was lauded...more
Zimbabwe eyewitness – ‘The government has declared war on its citizens’
South African solidarity action against repression in Zimbabwe
Desperate regime unleashes judicial terrorism
Monday 14 January to Wednesday 16 January saw the biggest total shutdown of business in the history of Zimbabwe. Workers...more
Barricades are up at GM headquarters: Statement from the Durham Region Labour Council
The Durham Region Labour Council is calling for solidarity with barricades at the General Motors Canadian Headquarters.
Comrades, Members of Unifor Local 222 have erected a barricade at General Motors Canadian Headquarters as their latest effort in...more
Housing: a right or a nightmare?
Housing should be a right, not an investment for rich speculators
*/ It is cold comfort to know that one’s immediate, personal suffering is part of an international crisis. I have...more
“Our rights to these lands have never been extinguished… the jurisdiction of the provincial and federal governments is misleading and false”
The hereditary chiefs of the Wet’suwet’en nation have been clear, being forced to allow RCMP and Coastal Gaslink pipeline workers to enter their lands does not mean consent is given.
Nine days after the military assault, by RCMP, on the Gitdumt’en check point Coastal Gaslink workers can now enter the...more
Resist, Persist!: Third Annual Women’s March On Vancouver
Hope and anger unite third annual women’s march on Vancouver
Over the weekend March On Vancouver hosted its third annual Women’s March. The event took place on January 19 with...more


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