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"They can’t pollute our spirits the way they pollute our rivers”
Manon Massé speaks at Powershift conference
Powershift panel looks at cross-movement solidarities, from the frontlines to the streets
Hundreds of people attended a keynote presentation at the Powershift: Young and Rising conference in Ottawa February 15 th ...more
Why we need a revolutionary party
An organized revolutionary party is necessary for workers to build their own power to overthrow capitalism.
If you want to change the world you run into some common questions. Why can’t mass movements simply overtake the...more
"Thou shall not tell a girl she deserved it"
The Specials
Encore speaks to the issues we’re facing today, while also echoing the anti-racist and anti-Thatcher history of The Specials
Review of Encore , by The Specials The Specials have been around in one form or another since 1977, and...more
How Quebec students brought down a government
Quebec student strike
In 2012, students across Quebec launched a strike against a massive tuition hike that brought down the government.
In 2012, students across Quebec launched a strike against a proposed massive tuition hike. The strike, which was the longest...more
People not pipelines!
Trudeau and his Liberal government are moving us towards greater inequality and climate crisis
Trudeau and his Liberal government are moving us towards greater inequality and climate crisis
We live in a moment of both great hope and potential horror. There are two interwoven crises. On the one...more
Racist "yellow vests" outnumbered again
Racist "yellow vests" outnumbered at Vancouver City Hall
Racist "yellow vests" were outnumbered at Vancouver City Hall by two to one.
Chants like “Say it loud! Say it clear! Immigrants are welcome here!” rang out as around 40 anti-racists confronted about...more
Secrecy and lies shroud Ford plan to privatize healthcare
Ontario’s premier and cabinet ministers hide their privatization plans behind lies
Doug Ford and his Ontario Tory government have no intention of privatizing healthcare services. So said Health Minister Christine Elliott,...more
Students rise up against Ford cuts
February 4 Toronto rally against cuts to education, photo by  Kevin Taghabon
Students and workers can unite to bring down Ford
February 4 marked the third week in a row that students in Ontario hit the streets protesting Doug Ford’s cuts...more
Solidarity with Vancouver Art Gallery workers!
Art gallery workers on the picket line
Vancouver Art Gallery workers face greedy bosses and high rents. A victory for them is a victory for all of us.
Workers at the Vancouver Art Gallery, members of Canadian Union of Public Employees local 15, are on strike after being...more
Fight the right, build the left
The yellow vest movement in France
Fight the right and build the anti-capitalist left
The Trump victory in the presidential election in the United States has given confidence to right-wing forces around the world...more


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