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Indigenous sovereignty and socialism
From the Red River Rebellions, to the rise of Red Power, to Idle No More, new book rightly celebrates the evolution and constancy of Indigenous struggle.
Hats off to authors Valerie Lannon and Jesse McLaren for tackling the difficult task of producing a succinct overview of...more
Radical electoralism: COPE victory in Vancouver
COPE will continue the fight for a rent freeze, mansion tax, and an end to homelessness
Jean Swanson and COPE's victory in winning a seat on Vancouver city council shows that radical politics can win.
There is lots of good news from the Vancouver city election on October 20. First and foremost is that one...more
Socialist Hip Hop – Labour of Love review
The Socialist Vocalist raps against precarity and in support of solidarity
At the October 25th launch event in Toronto, I asked The Socialist Vocalist AKA Mohammad Ali what local underground talent...more
The People's Party is the people's mess
With official politics moving to the right, we need strong movements in the streets
A few months ago it would have sounded silly. Maxime Bernier and Andrew Scheer seemed like two peas in a...more
The truth about Bill 148 and people with disabilities
In August, the Ford government cut the planned social assistance increase in half. More sweeping changes are expected to be announced by November 8th.
On October 3rd 2018, Premier Ford spoke to provincial Parliament in defense of his decision to repeal Bill 148, the...more
Toronto election – more of the same
In an election marred by the manipulations of the Ford provincial government, cutting the number of wards almost in half,...more
Ford cuts healthcare funding, prepares ground for privatization
Cuts and privatization won't solve the problem created by cuts and privatization
“No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party...more
Stephen Harper’s message: give me a fascist any day
Harper would rather Trump--and his far right associates like Bannon--than Corbyn or Sanders
Former Prime Minister and current corporate reptile Stephen Harper recently told Global News: “I look at Donald Trump. Obviously, there’s...more
Day of action tells Ford: hands off our $15 minimum wage
Oct 15 rally for $15/hour and fairness takes on Ford
Rallies across Ontario to defend $15 and fairness take on Ford
On October 15, actions across the province mobilized to defend $15 and Fairness for Ontario workers. Doug Ford’s Conservative government...more
Examining Toronto mayoral candidates responses to violence in Toronto
Only Saron Gebresellassi calls for real change, with more jobs and less cops
In recent debates, Toronto mayoral candidates have been asked the question “How will you deal with criminal activity in the...more


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