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Climate change in the Anthropocene: An unstoppable drive to Hothouse Earth?
Climate science is recognizing the radical changes required to avert catastrophe
‘Trajectories of the Earth System
in the Anthropocene’ by Will Steffen et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 6,...more
Review: Blueprint by Alice Bag - A Glam-punk Riot grrrl dance party
Alice Bag has been an active performer and frontwoman in punk bands since the late 1970’s when she formed Los...more
Water Protectors jailed for defying Kinder Morgan injunction
Packed courtroom during sentencing of Water protectors
BC judge sentences activists to jail for opposing disastrous pipeline project
On the morning of August 15, in front of BC Supreme Court Justice Affleck and a packed gallery of activists...more
Interview: international day of action for peace in Colombia
The day of action supported activists in Colombia supporting the peace agreement
On August 7, the Colombian Action Solidarity Alliance organized a vigil in Tkaronto, endorsed by many Latin American organizations and...more
More great grunge from Dead Sara
The latest from the female-fronted hard rock band takes on Trump's America
A filthy hot summer is the perfect time for some old school hard rock. The sauna of Los Angeles still...more
Toronto mayoral election: no platform for Faith Goldy
The far-right activist promotes racist violence and should not have a platform to spew her views
There are about 18 candidates registered to run in Toronto’s 2018 mayoral election that is scheduled for October 22, and...more
Interview: Derrick O’Keefe, Vancouver socialist, running for City Council
With ongoing austerity and the rise of the right, we need socialist politics and candidates more than ever
Lisa Descary from the Vancouver International Socialists interviewed writer and activist, Derrick O'Keefe. Derrick is a founding member of the...more
Québec: a 2018 election primer
To stop the populist right, the left needs to fight austerity and racism
On October 1, when the people of Quebec go to the ballot, they will be faced with the same dismal...more
Courts side with Kinder Morgan and sentence "sinister" seniors
Jailing water protectors won't stop mass civil disobedience
“Your Honour, I have lived my 70 years abiding by the law. But, if we look back into our history,...more
Defeating Ford’s attacks: lessons from the fight against Hudak
The same rank-and-file mobilizations that stopped Hudak can help stop Ford
The election of Doug Ford as Premier of Ontario has generated much discussion about the Harris government in the 1990s...more


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