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Movie Review: The Rankin File, Legacy of a Radical
In the lead up to Vancouver's mayoral election, the lessons of Harry Rankin offer inspiration
There could not be a more apt time in Vancouver election history to make a movie about Harry Rankin’s life...more
Join Jean Swanson in fighting for the city we need
Swanson's campaign is about building a movement for the 99%
It’s that time of year in Vancouver when warm weather is here, and municipal political parties have begun to announce...more
On June 16 tell Ford: “Hands off our $15 minimum wage”
Emboldened by Doug Ford’s electoral victory, the 1% are coming for low-wage workers. The morning after the election the Financial...more
Doug Ford’s Tories: record setting sleaze
The Tories are already in scandals before their first day in office
Ontario voters should be used to governments pulled down by scandals. Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party are different. They aren’t...more
Victory for socialist Joel Harden in Ottawa
Roughly two hundred supporters and volunteers gathered in a converted warehouse space in central Ottawa on election night June 7...more
G7: Trudeau, Trump, and the charade in Charlevoix
The 1% are hiding from public view to further the burning of the planet
Leaders from seven of the world’s most prosperous countries are retreating together in the idyllic town of La Malbaie, in...more
Ford has no mandate for cuts
Ford only won by appealing to anger against austerity, which can be directed at Ford's cuts
Ford proclaimed a “strong, stable majority government,” but the Ontario election results don’t represent a surge to the right. Instead...more
Prepare to fight the Tories
Poster for June 16 rally for decent work
Build the protest in Toronto on June 16
Doug Ford’s hard-right Tories have won a majority, receiving 40% of the popular vote. While the NDP has made significant...more
Four labour lessons from the Harris years
Protest early and protest often, starting June 16
The prospect of a Tory majority is looming. The last time the Tories took power under Harris, we responded with...more
What would you do with $12 billion?
People and the planet, or profits and climate chaos?
Trudeau’s government has committed to buying the existing Kinder Morgan pipeline and to spending whatever it costs to try to...more


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