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Capitalist restructuring and working class resistance
Kim Moody's book is an antidote to pessimism and an inspiration for struggle
Kim Moody’s latest book On New Terrain: How Capital is reshaping the battleground of class war is a refreshing and...more
Why we strike: CUPE 3903 and the fight for dignity, equity, and job security in the neoliberal university
"York works because we do."
Following a wave of labour revolts in recent weeks by teachers and university workers in the Western world – from...more
Interview: Avi Lewis and the leap for climate justice
Leap Manifesto co-author Avi Lewis discusses low carbon jobs and transformative change
Following his electrifying keynote at the Fight for $15 and Fairness Provincial Strategy Meeting and with just 10 minutes to...more
Doug Ford the drug dealer: breathing life into the mythologies of race, class and crime
Attacking Ford over drugs reinforces the very system he upholds
I oppose the politics of Doug Ford. I oppose his hostility to a $15 minimum wage, the sex-ed curriculum, and...more
Fight for $15 strategizes road to the Ontario election and beyond
The campaign will push all candidates to reflect workers demands, and continue regardless of who is elected
On March 23-24, 2018, the Fight for $15 and Fairness movement organized their third annual provincial strategy meeting to look...more
Interview: Soaring Eagle’s Camp Toronto
Camps across the country are demanding justice for Indigenous peoples
On a Sunday afternoon, March 4, a group of Indigenous youth and allies set up the Soaring Eagle’s camp in...more
Carleton University workers striking to protect their pensions
The strike and growing solidarity to defend pensions has pushed the administration back to the bargaining table
Around 850 administrative, technical and library workers at Carleton University began picketing at campus entrances on March 5 as they...more
Movie review: the Death of Stalin
The film shows the absurd scapegoating under Stalin, but doesn't explain the counter-revolution that created it
There can hardly be a less likely subject for a comedy than the death of Stalin and the power struggle...more
World history meets my lungs
Change is in the air, with a divided working class and a new generation breathing life into struggle
Human beings are cooperative, sharing and caring beings. It is our nature to work together, to solve problems and share...more
Unite to stop hate
Join events on March 21 to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
I had the opportunity to take part in a conference in London put on by Stand Up to Racism, an...more


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