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Review: Black Panther
When Hollywood meets afro-futurism, the results are a mix of liberation politics and mass consumption
As the excitement of Black Panther begins to dissipate, it becomes increasingly important to dissect the film with sober minds...more
1968 and the Japanese Student Movement
Through protests and occupations, students challenged capitalist education, police brutality and imperialism
Behind the barricades, 1968 was a time when the actual and the impossible were indiscernible. From late 1950s to 1970,...more
Interview: Hassan Diab’s fight for justice
The falsely-accused and extradited Carlton professor finally won justice, and is fighting for others
Hassan Diab is a former Carleton University professor of sociology. In 2014, Canada fulfilled France’s extradition request and sent Professor...more
Resistance returns to Iran
While Western right-wing forces try to co-opt opposition, the people themselves have the power to change
In the last days of 2017, the western media showed pictures of protests in Iran. Hundreds took to the streets...more
Automation: will robots take our jobs?
Fears of automation are used to discipline workers, but its our labour that creates everything including technology
Automation is coming. The punditocracy, academics and headline writers all agree: society will be upended by mass automation. Increasing the...more
Dehors Barrette: Quebec health workers fight austerity
Petitions and protests, encouraged by left party Quebec solidaire, are challenging healthcare austerity
On January 29, at 8am, a young nurse in Quebec’s Eastern Townships, Emilie Ricard, published a Facebook photo of herself...more
Video interviews: Sid Ryan at the NDP convention
Sid Ryan discusses his history in the labour movement, the NDP convention and the Leap Manifesto
At the recent NDP convention in Ottawa, spoke with labour activist Sid Ryan about the trade union movement, the...more
Taking on Tim Horton’s
Supporting Tim Hortons workers is part of putting pressure on political parties and empowering workers
On Tuesday February 13, a day before Valentine’s Day, people from across Ontario showed their love for Tim Horton’s workers...more
Justice for Colten Boushie and Tina Fontaine
Trudeau offers platitudes while denying Indigenous sovereignty
By now we are all familiar with the double tragedy surrounding 22-year old Colten Boushie, a member of the Red...more
The spirit of Attica
A generation later, the prison rebellion is still a source of inspiration
America in 1971 was a country in the midst of massive social uprisings. The Civil Rights and Black Nationalist movements,...more


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