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How precarious are we?
Despite claims of capital mobility, workers still have collective power in their workplaces
New Capitalism? The Transformation of Work, by Kevin Doogan Reviewed by Peter Hogarth In a recent Rabble Podcast, former NDP...more
International left movements meet to spark bold change in Canada
Courage to Leap panel
Over 500 people gather at Courage to Leap forum to tackle the question of how the left can win with bold demands
Radical ideas are the life raft of the modern left. A 2016 Harvard University survey published in the Washington Post...more
Courage to LEAP
The Leap Manifesto organizers are bringing the lessons of Corbyn and Sanders to Canada
The LEAP Manifesto was developed through a participatory process in which over 60 activists including a significant number of Indigenous...more
Alanis Obomsawin: filming Indigenous strengths
The legendary film maker has spent 50 years giving voice to Indigenous struggles
Clad completely in red to show support for “missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, boys and disabled”, the legendary documentary...more
Review: American Fall by Anti-Flag
Anti-Flag continue to be a powerful and popular voice with radical politics
With a cover featuring the Oval Office covered in stacks of money in the shape of a skull, it’s not...more
Don't buy Notley's whine
Notley wine boycott will not help workers, but neither will buying wine
Don’t believe Alberta Premier Notley when she claims she is standing up for workers and their jobs. On February 6...more
Stop Trudeau's pipeline
Protesters at Trudeau town hall in BC
The BC NDP has slowed down the hated Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion. We need to keep up the pressure.
Ever since the BC NDP government’s approval of the hated Site C dam project, many climate justice activists have felt...more
Parkdale strikes against Nuspor Investments
Dozens of activists and community members turned out in support of the rent strike against Nuspor Investments in Toronto's Parkdale neighbourhood.
"I live with two kids. It's so cold," Aziza said as bitter winds cut sharply through the crowd outside the...more
Speak White: Robert LePage remembers Quebec
The solo play about Quebec's Quiet Revolution is now available as a book
Je me souviens. The Quebec license plate is the backdrop to renowned theatre-maker Robert LePage’s study of memory, “887.” We...more
Carillion crash
The crash is yet another failure of neoliberal gospel, and capitalist practice
In October 2014 the business press reported: “Carillion Canada fined $900,000 for not properly clearing QEW during two storms.” What...more


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