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Workers solidarity against NAFTA
There's no "team Canada" approach to NAFTA, it harms workers regardless of borders
The NAFTA negotiations have been going on for months but without a strong movement on the ground in Canada. Decades...more
Lessons of the Ontario college strike
Despite Wynne ending the strike, the legacy continues
Mere hours after 12,000 striking Ontario college faculty massively rejected a forced offer vote by the College Employer Council, Premier...more
Independent review on Site C confirms: shut it down!
Site C benefits big business at the expense of First Nations treaty rights and the environment
Thanks to tireless dedication from Indigenous communities, ranchers and land protectors in the Peace River valley, social justice and environmental...more
Ottawa shuts down far-right ‘ACT! for Canada’
A community mobilization shut down an Islamophobic film screening
On November 25 anti-racist, anti-fascist, community and labour activists gathered in front of the Ottawa Public Library to protest the...more
$15 and Fairness celebrates historic victory and prepares for struggles ahead
The same mass organizing that won $15 and fairness needs to grow to defend and extend the gains
The $15 and Fairness has secured a decisive victory to improve the lives of working people, after three years of...more
Kinder Morgan will be stopped
With Indigenous activists leading the way, the climate justice movement needs to keep pushing the NDP/Greens to stop the tar sands pipeline
Climate justice activists in BC celebrated the cancellation of the proposed Energy East Tar Sands pipeline this October. Although Justin...more
$15 and Fairness challenges higher education participation in Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Why are colleges and universities members of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, and what does this mean in our fight...more
Movie review: the Florida Project
The movie shows the poverty that capitalism produces, and its impact on families
Spoiler alert: This review includes descriptions of key points in the movie’s plot. From the opening title track with Kool...more
First Nations fight nuclear waste
The nuclear industry wants to bury toxic waste near First Nations' land
The Bawating Water Protectors (BWT) were on the march at Queen’s Park on November 9 to tell Ontario Liberals and...more
Young Workers Assembly shares lessons of the Fight for $15 and Fairness
More than 200 young workers from across the province shared lessons planned ahead
“I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win! Doesn’t it feel good to say that and...more


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