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1917: gains of the revolution
The Russian Revolution made unprecedented gains for women's liberation, sexual liberation, national liberation and peace
The Russian Revolution brought numerous gains that were made when the masses of workers were able to take control of...more
1917: how the revolution was won
As the centenary of the revolution approaches, we look back at the lessons
The overthrow of the Russian Tsar in February 1917 was the spontaneous result of the anger of the Russian masses...more
Egypt’s rainbow raids
To distract from austerity, the military regime is cracking down on the LGBT community
The Egyptian security services have arrested dozens of “queer suspects” amid an ongoing crackdown on the country’s LGBTQ’s community, which...more
Jagmeet Singh’s victory: race, class, and criticism
Singh's victory can inspire racialized activists to lead movements for liberation
Jagmeet Singh is the new leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party—an undeniable victory for racialized and young grassroots organizers in...more
Anti-racist actions across the country
Anti-racist mobilizations are driving the bigots off the street
On Saturday September 30, anti-racist protesters mobilized in cities across Canada to oppose rallies organized by the racist, anti-immigrant Storm...more
After Energy East, stop Kinder Morgan
Victory against one tar sands pipeline shows how to challenge others
Amidst widespread climate disasters, a ray of hope: the Energy East pipeline, which threatened to pump more than a million...more
Interview with Standing Rock activists Jessica Monette and Craig Case
A year after the height of the Standing Rock protests, two activists reflect on their experiences
Thousands of Indigenous water protectors and allies travelled this time last year to the Standing Rock Reservation to oppose the...more
What caused the NDP loss in Quebec?
The NDP lost seats last election because they refused to fight austerity
In 2015, the federal NDP tried to explain its defeat by blaming the debate over the Niqab – the facial...more
Self-determination for Catalonia
The brutal crackdown from the Spanish state shows how capitalism is intertwined with national oppression
The forces of the Spanish state have begun brutal repression of Catalan citizens attempting to vote in the October 1...more
Momentum grows for just transition
Transitioning off of the oil economy can create tens of thousands of jobs
In a stunning move the 5.7 million strong Trades Union Congress in the United Kingdom passed a resolution on climate...more


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