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Join the Toronto Disability Pride March
Toronto Disability Pride March
All out for the Toronto Disability Pride March on Saturday September 23
It’s that time of year again, disabled and mad folks are taking to the streets of Toronto to remind the...more
The organized working class can beat the bigots
 Reverend William Barber addresses a United Steelworkers convention
Organized labour is joining the fight against racism
Charlottesville had made the decision to remove a Confederate statue and brought on the wrath of the white supremacist movement...more
People's journalist
Sarah Jaffe at the People's Summit in Chicago
Sarah Jaffe talks about the need for political journalism
Sarah Jaffe is a fellow at the Nation Institute and a journalist reporting on labour and political movements in the...more
Red all over
A Redder Shade of Green by Ian Angus
A great book on the need to make the fight for climate justice a fight for socialism
A Redder Shade of Green: Intersection of Science and Socialism By Ian Angus Review by Valerie Lannon At 179 pages,...more
Victory in Vancouver against the Nazis
Over 5000 at Vancouver City Hall
Thousands rally to stop anti-muslim, anti-immigrant groups in Vancouver
Faced with the threat of a Nazi rally in Vancouver, faith groups, Indigenous activists, cultural groups, and trade unions brought...more
Berlin counter-protesters stop Nazi march
Despite police efforts, anti-fascist protesters stopped the Nazis from marching
At 11am on Saturday, August 19, 500 Neo-Nazis and 1500 counter protesters gathered outside the Spandau train Station in Berlin,...more
BC NDP’s crawl to $15
Mobilize for $15/hour now!
Rebuild the BC Fight for $15 campaign to get to $15/hour immediately!
On Tuesday the new BC NDP government announced it was raising the province’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by...more
Commemorating the Christie Pits riot: what does interfaith have to do with it?
Like the Jews and Italians who fought side by side in 1933 against the fascists, we are stronger together
On the night of Wednesday August 16, 1933, two local softball teams, St. Peter’s and Harbord Playground, met to play...more
Right-wing terrorism strikes Charlottesville
We need mass movements to confront the forces of hate
In an act of terrorism, a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing...more
Interview: Sarah Leonard on socialism in America
Editor at The Nation discusses the openness to radical politics
Sarah Leonard is a senior editor at The Nation and an active member of the Democratic Socialists of America (...more


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