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Kosovo and the fight for self-determination
The rise of Vetëvendosje represents a rejection of austerity and a desire for self-determination
"No negotiations!" is the calling card slogan of Kosovo's Vetëvendosje party, an anti-austerity, leftist movement that focuses on the self-determination...more
Kinder Morgan: we still say no!
While Trudeau supports the destructive pipeline, the climate justice movement says NO
With the election of the Green-NDP provincial government in BC, climate activists across the province celebrated what they hoped would...more
Toronto vigil for Indigenous children and youth
The Canadian state is celebrating its 150th in the midst of a suicide epidemic of Indigenous youth
Grassroots Indigenous women of Tkaronto started a vigil for Indigenous children and youth in front of INAC’s (Indigenous and Northern...more
Climate justice: join Aamjiwnaang’s fight against Chemical Valley
Join the movement against chemical colonialism
“Stand with the community of Aamjiwnaang First Nation in their fight against environmental racism in Canada’s toxic Chemical Valley.” So...more
BC: Liberals ousted, pressure the NDP
We need to push for $15/hr minimum wage, end to Site C dam and affordable housing
It’s been a long wait, but 51 days after the BC election, the NDP is in and the Liberals are...more
No money for the war machine
We need money for care, not warfare
The Federal Liberal government has announced a massive increase in military spending over the next decade. They are planning to...more
Hands off Omar Khadr
Bigots are defending the torture of a child soldier, burying the history of Harper's regime and spewing Islamophobia
Well, the fireworks may have been better than usual but other than that Canada Day 150 was pretty much a...more
Interview: Bhaskar Sunkara on American socialism
Activist and Jacobin editor discusses the audience for socialism in the age of Trump
The following interview with Jacobin founder and editor Bhaskar Sunkara was conducted at the second annual People’s Summit in Chicago,...more
Fight for $15 wins: how to beat the employers' counter offensive
After exploiting workers, employers are claiming that the minimum wage increase isn't fair
Within 24 hours of the historic breakthrough by the Fight for $15 & Fairness campaign , where Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal...more
A people's history of Canada
On July 1 celebrate 150 years of resistance to the Canadian state
This year the Liberals are spending half a billion dollars on celebrating Canada’s 150th. This will have wide appeal, but...more


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