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Barcelona: Eyewitness report
Throughout Barcelona there are posters with the outlines of faces with a red streak over the mouth above the word...more
Tories undermine Status of Women Committee with anti-choice appointee
The Tories under Sheer are continuing Harper's tradition of attacking choice, appointing bigot Rachael Harder
Any idea that new Tory leader Andrew Scheer would steer a more moderate course toward election was put to rest...more
Ontario college faculty: organizing and bargaining hard
With a strike mandate and organizing drive, unionized and non-unionized college workers are fighting austerity
Faculty in Ontario’s 24 colleges reach two critical junctures in the coming week that will impact faculty jobs and student...more
Review: Our Revolution, A Future To Believe in
While you might feel the Bern reading his political issues, it cools off in the second half policy discussion
When I share with others that I’ve read Our Revolution: A Future To Believe In by Bernie Sanders, I can...more
Beyond $15: An interview with Jonathan Rosenblum
Fight for $15 campaigner and author shares lessons from the struggle
Kevin Brice-Lall interviewed Jonathan Rosenblum, author of Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists and the Revival of the Labor Movement...more
Senator Beyak and government racism
Beyak epitomizes Tory racism, but Trudeau is better only in rhetoric
In April 2017 we reported on Tory Senator Lynn Beyak’s remarks in the Senate where she claimed that residential schools...more
Solidarity with Colin Kaepernick
Kaepernick struggle is part of a larger fight happening in the United States around police violence and racism
Last year, in the midst of Black Lives Matter protests against police officers killing African American youth and facing no...more
Monumental mistakes
Challenging colonial statues does not erase history, it illuminates the past so we can build a better future
The old saying that history is written by the victors is made evident in the monuments that adorn—or rather, that...more
Hurricanes, fossil fuels and capitalism
The latest 'natural disasters' show the urgency of system change to stop climate change
In the Florida Keys town of Marathon, as the sea drained away from the bay, a woman screamed from her...more
'We're opposing Trump's drive to war', say South Korean socialists
Anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist working class struggles are the only solutions to nuclear sabre-rattling
Members of Workers' Solidarity, Socialist Worker's sister newspaper in South Korea, spoke about what's behind the nuclear tensions—and how the...more


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