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Victory: Ontario Food Terminal workers strike and win workplace fairness
Tibetan refugees went on strike against precarious work and built solidarity to win
After staying strong on the picket line, and building solidarity that helped shut down the Ontario Food Terminal, Ippolito workers...more
Interview: building solidarity with Catalonia
Quebec solidaire activist André Frappier describes the lessons from a recent international solidarity delegation spoke with Montreal activist André Frappier as he headed to Catalonia to take part in international solidarity actions. “Everyone...more
On déteste les racistes! 5000 march in Montreal against racism
The march showed that the anti-racist movement is strong in Quebec
The English Canadian media continues to portray the people of Quebec as more racist that anyone else. But on November...more
Trudeau supports Trump’s nuclear threat
Trudeau applauds Hiroshima survivors but ignores their call for nuclear-free world
Setsuko Thurlow, a survivor of the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, will be accepting a Nobel peace prize this year on...more
Shock and Horror! A GG who can think and speak for herself!
Tories don't like women who defend science
It is not my usual practice to defend a representative of the Crown, specifically the Governor General of Canada. But...more
To remember is to end all war
Remember the system that drives war and the revolutions that can end them
This November 11, as every year, Remembrance Day will be the day for governments to tout nationalism and parade veterans...more
‘No Trump, No war’ protests greet US president in South Korea
Donald Trump visited South Korea during 7 and 8 November. Three aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines came to the Korean...more
Does the Russian Revolution still matter?
How can an event that happened 100 years ago in a very different time and place matter to us today?...more
A year since Trump’s election
The past year has been marked by austerity and racism, but also protest and resistance
It has been a scant year since a 71-year-old imbecile bumbled his way into the most powerful office on the...more
Video interviews: Ontario college faculty on strike
College faculty explain how their strike is challenging precarity and oppression
See video interviews on the picket lines as college faculty strike against precarity and for a better educational system for...more


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