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The rise and pathetic fall of Patrick Brown
His inner circle knew, his caucus knew and the Queen’s Park press corps knew, but all kept it quiet
Oh Patrick Brown, we hardly knew ye. Well, in fact we know more than enough. Two young women have brought...more
National Day of Action brings mass support to Tim Hortons workers
From coast to coast people are saying "Roll up the Min to Win"
On Friday, January 19 the Fight For $15 and Fairness and labour movement allies launched actions at 50 Tim Hortons...more
Québec solidaire and the NDP
The NDP decision to run candidates in the Quebec election undermines the success and solidarity of Quebec solidaire
For nearly 20 years, progressives, social democrats and anti-capitalists have struggled to build a viable electoral left in Quebec. In...more
Why does the NDP keep betraying Indigenous peoples?
As a social democratic party aspiring to lead a colonial capitalist state, raising and dashing hopes is built into the NDP
“I am not the first person to stand before you and disappoint indigenous people.” This was how BC Premier Horgan...more
Unifor-CLC split demands unity from below
Workers need unity from below, not splits from above
“We hadn’t set up a new organization in order to be cannibals in the Canadian labour movement.”
— Bob White, first...more
Tim Hortons: Canadian capitalism, ‘small business’ and resistance
The Fight for $15 and fairness is exposing Canadian capitalism, driving a wedge into the business community and supporting workers
When the heirs to billionaire Tim Hortons founders cut paid breaks and benefits for the minimum wage employees at their...more
Province-wide actions support Tim Hortons workers against abusive bosses
Solidarity rally at Tim Hortons in Cobourg
The second week of Ontario’s minimum wage hike brought with it large pickets against Tim Hortons bosses and owners across...more
Solidarity with Tim Hortons Workers
At least 15 actions in solidarity with Tim Hortons workers are taking place across Ontario on January 10.more
Workers are under attack: Where is the ONDP?
The Liberals are able to opportunistically present themselves as defending workers because the ONDP have ceded the ground
On January 1, Ontario's workers saw the minimum wage jump from $11.60 to $14 an hour. For the province's low-wage...more
#MeToo and the fight against Trump
The toppling of Weinstein and challenge to Trump is part of the broader fight against women's oppression and the system that breeds it
This month is the one year anniversary of two earth-shaking events: the inauguration of US president Donald Trump – the...more


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