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The fire last time: 1968 in the US and France
The historic year included a general strike in France and the League of Revolutionary Black Workers in the US
This year is the 50th anniversary of the events of 1968. Many of the young people who are active in...more
Lula’s imprisonment and the crisis in Brazil
The left needs to challenge the attack on Lula and the PTs accommodating politics that paved the way for it
On Saturday, April 7 ex-Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party (PT) turned himself into the...more
Justice for Marielle Franco
Justice for Marielle means challenging the the racist, anti-poor, misogynist and homophobic politics of Brazil's right-wing government
On March 14, Marielle Franco, a Rio de Janeiro city councilor for the left-wing Party of Socialism and Freedom (PSOL)...more
The Black left: left out and underestimated
The Black Portraitures conference brought scholars, activists and artists together to celebrate and strategize radical change
Celebrating the rigour and style of Blackness, and puncturing the prevailing ideologies and practices of racism, Black Portraitures IV: The...more
Liberal opportunism, NDP cynicism, and the threat of Ford
If the NDP just attack Liberal opportunism instead of building the movements pushing them left, it only benefits Ford
The Liberals’ budget, tabled on March 28, highlighted a number of new spending promises: a drug and dental-care program for...more
What’s Canada’s agenda in Mali?
Ongoing colonialism keeps people in Mali poor despite the vast wealth of their land
After promising early in their mandate to take Canada to war in Africa, the Liberals are now delivering. Defense Minister...more
Justice for Janitors on our campuses
Workers and students deliver petitions demanding justice for janitors.
Day of action by workers and students demands respect and fair wages
Today at Langara College, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Vancouver Community College, University of British Columbia – Okanagan (UBC-O)...more
March for Our Lives and America’s foundations of violence
When millions march against gun violence, it can expose the capitalist and imperialist system fuelling violence
“One child is worth more than all the guns on earth.” A woman carried this sign through the streets of...more
Doug Ford is not the answer to working class anger
With Ford appealing to anger at the Liberals, we need to campaign on the issues to push him back
On March 22 there was an op ed in the New York Times which asked the question, “Will Canada elect...more
Indigenous-led protests will stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion
From mass protests to legal challenges, the Indigenous led climate justice movement will stop Trudeau's pipeline
Nearly 200 people have been arrested for blocking the entrance of the Kinder Morgan facility in Burnaby, in some cases...more


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