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Ontario Liberals show their true colours
Wynne's appeal for "neither left nor right" only benefits Ford
With less than a week to go before the provincial election, Premier Kathleen Wynne conceded that 15 years of Liberal...more
Trans Mountain pipeline and Canadian capitalism
Trudeau has revealed the Canadian state's long history of support for oil extraction
Facing mounting opposition from the Indigenous-led climate justice movement, Justin Trudeau has committed to paying $4.5 billion to Kinder Morgan...more
The Irish Vote is A Victory for All of Us!
The victory of the movement to repeal the Irish anti-abortion amendment shows that our collective power can win against the forces of reaction
My mother left Inishmore, one of the Aran Islands off the coast of Galway, when she was five years old...more
Ontario leaders’ debate: why the silence on $15 and Fairness?
No party mentioned the major campaign, but all for different reasons
The legislated raise in the minimum wage has been a huge victory for workers across Ontario, but none of the...more
Interview: autoworkers vs Wynne
The Liberals are excluding groups of workers from the gains of Bill 148, but the union leadership isn't fighting back
One of the backdrops to the election in Ontario, is the changes that were made this year to the Employment...more
Ontario election debate exposes depth of Tory bankruptcy
Ford tried to use his folksy populism to distract from his policies of privatization and austerity
According to Doug Ford, if we are wondering who to vote for we should just ask our boss. He made...more
Ontario Tories raise bogus anti-Semitism charges against NDP
The Tories have launched a smear campaign while ignoring their own ties with the far right
As his Tories lose their early lead in the polls, Doug Ford has launched a below-the-belt attack on the surging...more
BC NDP retreats from opposing Kinder Morgan
With the NDP scaling back its election promise, it's up to the climate justice movement to stop the pipeline
The BC NDP seems determined to unravel their opposition to the Kinder Morgan pipeline bit by bit. At a media...more
Climate justice movement exposes Liberal complicity with Kinder Morgan
If the Liberals have $10 billion to support Kinder Morgan, why not spend it on climate jobs?
Last Wednesday Canada’s Finance Minster, Bill Morneau, reaffirmed his government’s commitment to oil company profits by promising to compensate Kinder...more
Asini Vern Harper: Red Power leader
The Cree activist challenged the government, built settler solidarity and supported traditional counselling
One of the high points of the Red Power movement was the Native People’s Caravan of 1974. Several hundred Indigenous...more


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