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Québec solidaire makes historic strides
Delegates applaud election of GND as co-spokesperson of QS
QS has rejected alliance with the neo-liberal PQ
At the largest convention in its eleven-year history, on the May long weekend, Québec solidaire (QS) had a critical choice...more
Gabriel-Nadeau Dubois win vindicates decision to reject alliance with PQ
GND's landslide victory is a rejection of the establishment parties
On the heels of a historic convention where the members of Québec solidaire (QS) decided definitively, with a two-thirds majority...more
Historic breakthrough for Ontario’s Fight for $15 and Fairness
Rank and file mobilizing was key to winning the announcement and will be critical to defend and expand the gains
The Fight for $15 and Fairness has made major gains in all areas of its campaign, from equal pay to...more
Mud Lake floods, Nalcor Lies
The company has blamed the flood on nature rather than their destructive dam
While the Muskrat Falls dam seemed to have faced serious delays as the government was forced to sit at the...more
After Manchester attack—don't let right exploit horror
The Tories are highjacking horror to scapegoat Muslims
A horrific bombing killed 22 people, including five children, as they left an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena on...more
1917: how revolution ended a war
A world war provoked a world revolt
This is what Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin wrote about the First World War, the so-called 'war to end all wars':...more
Review: Hell or High Water
A couple of bank robbers steal from the 1% in the America of austerity and racism
Hell or High Water is a crime drama about the rage simmering below the surface of America's sacrifice zones. The...more
Radical Unionism: The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary Syndicalism
Syndicalism rose in the wave of workers struggles, but was overtaken by Marxist strategy in 1917
Ralph Darlington’s Radical Unionism: The Rise and Fall of Revolutionary Syndicalism is a valuable piece of revolutionary history and a...more
Indigenous sovereignty from Standing Rock to Unist’ot’en
LaDonna Allard from Standing Rock and Freda Huson from Unist'ot'en shared their lessons
There is a new education and action force for climate justice in Ontario: the Indigenous Mobilization Team (IMT), created by...more
Interview: Niki Ashton on running for NDP leader
Inspired by Bernie Sanders, Niki Ashton wants the NDP to connect with the movements
Niki Ashton, NDP MP in Manitoba, held a meet and greet event at Shoxs Billiards Lounge in Toronto on May...more


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