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What does it mean to keep Ontario working?
Employers want to keep Ontario exploited
With only a matter of weeks until the Ontario government releases the recommendations from the Changing Workplaces Review, all eyes...more
French election: new political landscape built on old foundations
With a choice between neoliberalism and the far right, resistance must combine the ballot box with the street
On April 23, 47 million citizens of the French republic had the opportunity to cast a ballot for one of...more
Support Canadian Hearing Society workers on strike
While the CEO salary has skyrocketed, Canadian Hearing Society staff have been cut and salaries held down
The 227 members of CUPE Local 2073, Canadian Hearing Society workers, have been on strike since March 6. They have...more
Trudeau government is showing its true colours
Trudeau is extending Harrper's war on Iraq
The Trudeau government is showing its true colours. Despite talk of sunny ways he has showed once again that his...more
Vimy Ridge anti-war project
On the 100th anniversary, readings of anti-war plays happened across the country
On April 9, to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War battle of Vimy Ridge, people across Canada...more
Stop Trump/Trudeau’s war on the planet: march for jobs, justice and the climate April 29
Stop the climate criminals
Donald Trump has declared war on the planet. He appointed a climate change denialist to head the Environmental Protection Agency,...more
The Basic Income debate
While appealing to the desire to reduce inequality, Basic Income will be a neoliberal Trojan Horse
On April 13, about 300 people, all of them united in their desire to improve the well-being of the most...more
Québec solidaire gains ground with Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois
The leader of the student strike has given a boost to Quebec's left alternative party
When Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, leader of Quebec students' magnificent rebellion against austerity in 2012, announced his intention to run as...more
The United Front: a strategy for today
We need to build unity in action against austerity and oppression
We are seeing the rise of racism and Islamophobia across the country: a Qur’an torn up at a public meeting...more
Tax and spend: a climate and jobs platform for the BC election
$15 minimum wage, implement UNDRIP, restore corporate taxes, cancel megaprojects and support green jobs
The International Socialists are too small to run in the upcoming provincial election in BC. However, we feel that the...more


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