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Frederick Douglass and the fight against racism
Little does Trump know that Douglass spent his life fighting the racist system Trump upholds
/*--> */ The period since Donald Trump took office has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in hate crimes across...more
Trudeau refuses to take action against racist travel ban
Rally in Washington DC against travel ban. Photo by Ted Eytan
Trump's racist travel ban's have been opposed on both sides of the border.
Trump's racist travel ban was challenged in the airports, in the streets, and in the courts. In Canada, people across...more
Support food service workers
York food service workers are fighting for $15/hr minimum wage and against anti-Black racism and Islamophobia
On February 17 York University food service workers in Unite Here local 75 went on strike to protest unfair wages...more
Trumping Trudeau
Trump and Trudeau have a different approach but similar policies
In the dreary year since his election, Justin Trudeau has seen the popularity of his government and his personal “brand”...more
Court victory for First Nations “60s Scoop” survivors
Despite attempts by Harper and Trudeau to delay the ruling, First Nations won the case
On February 14, 2017, after eight years of court battles, First Nations plaintiffs in Ontario won a big court victory...more
National day of action on electoral reform
Trudeau breaks another promise
On Saturday, February 11, people across Canada demonstrated against Justin Trudeau's broken electoral reform promise. In Toronto the event was...more
Fighting for $15 and Fairness is a matter of health
The campaign is raising wages and gaining sick days
Precarious work is a threat to your health. Poverty wages undermine access to the social determinants of health—like food, shelter,...more
Protect press freedom
Forcing journalists to release their personal information is a threat to the free press
February 6 was Ben Makuch's final day at the Ontario Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hall in Toronto. He is...more
Interview: BLM organizer attacked by police
Black Lives Matter organizer tells her experience of police violence and resistance to Trump
Danni is an organizer with Black Lives Matter who has had personal experiences with excessive police force. I met her...more
Carbon taxes: a neoliberal “solution” to the climate crisis
Carbon taxes further entrench the inequality at the heart of the climate crisis
The National Climate Strategy announced by Justin Trudeau in December absolves both the fossil fuel corporations and the Federal government...more


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