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Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience
Kent Monkman's exhibit is a necessary antidote to the "celebrations" of the Canadian state
“I could not think of any history paintings that conveyed or authorized Indigenous experience into the canon of art history...more
The Founder both criticizes and deifies McDonalds
One of the great ironies of director John Lee Hancock’s The Founder , about the founding of McDonald’s restaurant, is...more
Striking York food service workers win $15 and Fairness
The victory is a huge win for racialized workers in low-wage industries
On Monday striking York food service workers, represented by Unite Here Local 75, voted to accept their new contract. The...more
Stop the hate, unite the fight
Join the IWD march!
Washington DC is still reverberating from the women’s march that took place on January 21. It was an extraordinary event...more
Reclaiming the radical tradition of International Women's Day
From 1917 to 2017, women are leading the struggle
After the huge turnout on the Women's Marches on January 21, both in the US and internationally, in response to...more
Albion Neighbourhood Services on strike against cuts
Some 20 workers at Albion Neighbourhood Services (ANS), members of Teamsters Local 938, have been on strike since February 6...more
Rally against Islamophobia shuts down bigots
Dozens of racists tried to rally at City Hall, but hundreds of anti-racists shut them down
“Say it loud, say it clear, Muslims are welcome here!” That was one of the many chants that rang out...more
Trudeau’s ‘accessible Canada’ includes unpaid work
The Liberals turned a campaign promise for accessibility into unpaid work
Back in 2015, before the Canadian federal election, a movement of disabled people was building across the country. The call...more
Trudeau: We're Watching You
Trudeau is continuing Harper's attack on civil liberties
The Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) held a public rally on February 25 in Trinity Bellwoods Park in Toronto...more
Tory leadership race…to the bottom!
Tory leadership candidates are spreading Islamophobia
Just when you thought the Tory scumbags couldn’t reach any lower, you witness four so-called “leadership” candidates denouncing Islam at...more


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