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French Guiana: General Strike against Austerity!
The French Guiana masses are showing how to fight austerity and racism
What started off as local demonstrations and strikes organized by the “Collective of 500 Brothers,” a coalition of organizers created...more
Austerity, racism and resistance
From IWD to anti-racist protests and Fight for $15, movements are fighting austerity and racism
After nearly three months into the new political era ushered in by a shocking American election, the emerging fault-lines and...more
The story of Comrade Absolute
The Bolshevik journal Rabotnitsa
The women of the Bolsheviks, built a party to fight for freedom
A review of Bolshevik Women , by Barbara Evans Clements, Cambridge University Press, 1997 Barbara Clements has done a real...more
Provincial strategy session maps out fight for $15 in 2017
After a victorious strike at York, the fight for $15 could make its way to the provincial election
"We are building an intergenerational, multi-racial working class movement!" Betty Douglas' words rang out to a huge standing ovation from...more
Liberal budget: privatization, austerity and climate chaos
Trudeau is continuing Harper's healthcare cuts and funding tar sands
The Liberal Budget release on March 22nd claims to lead the way to the future through innovation in order to...more
Trudeau betrays First Nations children, again
The Liberals are ignoring the Human Rights Tribunal ruling that sided with First Nations children
In a battle now running 10 years, the federal government refuses to correct its discriminatory funding for First Nations children’s...more
Corporate media and the state
This documentary exposes the role of corporate media in suppressing the truth
An antidote to the mealy-mouthed cries of "liberal media" has been delivered in Fred Peabody's powerful new documentary, All Governments...more
Russian Revolution and the Peoples of the East
The Russian revolution fused working class revolution and anti-colonial rebellion
“Workers of all lands, and oppressed peoples of the whole world, unite!” This was a historic change to the call...more
Get Out – movie review
Get Out shows the racism bubbling under the surface of 'polite' society
Jordan Peele's new movie Get Out is a cautionary tale for Blacks in Trump's America and a funny, biting, ironic...more
I Am Not Your Negro Review: Remember This House
The movie holds up a mirror to the brutal face of anti-Black racism
Raoul Peck's I Am Not Your Negro is a highly confrontational, discomforting testament to the truth of Black existences in...more


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