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Electric cars are no cure for the climate crisis
Electric cars distract from mass transit and don't lower carbon emissions
Bad news: Donald Trump is pulling the United States out of the Paris agreement, one of the largest icebergs is...more
Workers for the Leap: a great step forward
Workers for the Leap is organizing trade unionists to support just transition
The Canadian Labour Congress convention took place in Toronto in May. Thousands of trade unionists came together to assess the...more
CLC: building for a green economy
"One million climate jobs" must move from a slogan to an on-the-ground campaign
The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) held its convention in Toronto from May 7 to 12 and invited its members and...more
Islam is not the enemy, war is not the answer
war and racism breed terrorism
After 16 years of the global war on terror the world is more dangerous and unstable than ever. The Manchester...more
UK election: Tories humiliated as millions vote for Corbyn and real change
The election represents a mass feeling against austerity, racism and war
The election result is a shattering disaster for the Tories and Theresa May, and a triumph for Jeremy Corbyn and...more
Steelworkers Convention: a determined mood in wake of Trump win
Fighting racism is key to building the working class unity to resist austerity
Almost 6,000 delegates and observers arrived in Las Vegas to attend the United Steelworkers convention in April as the union...more
LCBO workers prepare for a strike
Support workers fighting austerity
LCBO workers are preparing to strike after saying no to attempts to privatize and contract out their work, the entrenchment...more
Liberals are Canada’s natural war party
From the Boer War to then bombing of Syria, war is a Liberal tradition
Justin Trudeau is following President Trump in supporting regime change in Syria, and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland has announced...more
Parkdale residents enter second month on rent strike, protest at building owner’s home
“we’re paying big rent. They’re making big money. Why can’t we live happy?”
On June 1, Parkdale residents from MetCap Living-owned buildings entered their second month on rent strike. Residents of the vibrant...more
BC Liberals on the way out, but the fight isn't over
NDP leader John Horgan and Greens leader Andrew Weaver
The BC Greens will support the NDP, but they will need pressure from the left
The BC Liberals are on their way out. After presiding over thousands of drug overdose deaths, freezing social assistance rates...more


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