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The dead end of road tolls
Road tolls have rallied some on the left to counterpose workers and the environment
When Toronto Mayor John Tory proposed tolls for the two main commuter arteries leading into Toronto, the Don Valley Parkway...more
Trump, the extreme right, and resistance
Trump is a symptom of right-wing polarization in response to the failed neoliberal era, but there's a left-wing polarization as well
"This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes (although there have been salutes, and a whiff...more
Toronto Community Benefits Network wins green jobs
The TCBN has a won a commitment to provide green jobs to historically disadvantaged communities
In 2008 during financial crisis, which saw the loss of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs in Canada and Quebec,...more
Fidel Castro (1926-2016)
Castro inspired resistance to imperialism, but did not create a vision for socialism
He was, by any standards, a giant of a man. In his frail late years his presence still resonated across...more
Fighting racism and fighting for $15
The fight for $15 is building multiracial working class resistance
What was true before the US election, and is even truer today, is that if we want to win we...more
Protests get rid of corrupt president in South Korea
Protests have forced the president's resignation and will need to continue to push for change
Around one million people took to the streets of South Korea last Saturday to demand president Park Geun-hye resign immediately...more
10 lessons from Standing Rock
Pipelines can be stopped, Indigenous peoples are leading the way, a just transition is possible...
Near the plains where Sitting Bull defeated the army of George Custer, Indigenous communities resisted police brutality, media silence and...more
Review: Moonlight
This film is a wonderful antidote to Trump America
Moonlight, the second film by director Barry Jenkins, could be described as a coming of age film about a young...more
Review: Born to Run, memoir by Bruce Springsteen
Springsteen reflects working class experience
Bruce Springsteen's recently published memoir Born to Run is a book that, while you're reading it, feels a little bit...more
Liberal agenda laid bare
Apparently "real change" means new jets, new free trade deals, more pipelines and more austerity
Just over a year after his government’s election, the glow has faded from Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. While the leader is...more


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