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Philippines: women and workers outraged by decision on Marcos burial
Activists are challenging the Duterte regime's honouring of the former dictator Marcos
Women and worker activists held a noise barrage in Quezon City to express their outrage over the Supreme Court’s decision...more
Remembering the workers who ended WWI
Remembrance day: brought to you by socialist revolutoin
We’re told every November 11 to remember wars with national pride. Everyone, including each and every unknowing child, is expected...more
Sit-ins demand Trudeau reject pipeline
Sit-ins across the country are building momentum for the November 19 rally
At 10am on November 4, a dozen young people staged a sit-in at the constituency office of Liberal Minister of...more
The revenge of forgotten America
Trump spoke to the bitter experience of austerity
And so the horror that was the 2016 election reached its conclusion. The two worst candidates in electoral history duked...more
Ninety-nine years since the Russian Revolution
We need to celebrate the gains and examine the lessons of the revolution
It’s November, and so we celebrate the October Revolution of 1917. The difference in month is due to the different...more
Trudeau's climate COP-out
While Trudeau is continuing Harper's climate policies, movements are demanding Indigenous rights and a just transition
“In 2015, the Liberal government got elected on promises to take climate action and they are failing on that promise...more
Fascism & anti-fascist unity
Fascism is a threat to the entire working class in all its diversity, and requires a united working class response
“If fascism could be defeated in debate, I assure you that it would never have happened, neither in Germany, nor...more
Victory against Muskrat Falls dam
Weeks of occupations, demonstrations and solidarity pushed the government back, for now
Resistance is on the rise in Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as in the rest of Canada. October 7 marked...more
Fight for 15 $ in Outaouais, Quebec
The 5,10,15 coalition is demanding 5 days' notice of scheduling, 10 paid sick days and $15/hr
On October 20, more than a 100 people gathered at the Centre Tétreau in Gatineau, Quebec (Hull) to launch a...more
Ex-cop ONDP candidate defends culture of silence
ONDP candidate Mike Thomas
ONDP by-election candidate defends the culture of silence in the police, slams victims' families.
The Ontario New Democratic Party (ONDP) has nominated former Hamilton Police Association president, Mike Thomas, to be their candidate for...more


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