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Turkey: were there two coups?
A military coup and an authoritarian elected government are not the same thing
Turkey is an interesting country. In a place that, together with the 15 July coup attempt, has experienced five serious...more
Black Lives Matter: Abdirahman Abdi mattered
Hundreds joined the vigil for Abdirahman Abdi after the police executed him in the streets
Those were the words written on a restaurant chalkboard in the Ottawa neighbourhood of Hintonburg on the evening of Tuesday...more
Live boldly, unless you’re disabled?
Disabled people have better stories to tell than stereotypes portrayed by non-disabled people
Members of the disability community are outraged at the creation of the movie “Me Before You” released in May, many...more
The community has its say
The challenge to anti-Black racism is growing, from Pride to the Anti-Racist Secretariat
The United Steelworkers along with many other unions organizes a float in the Pride Parade in Toronto. Labour has had...more
Learning the history of Indigenous peoples
There's a growing campaign to bring truth and reconciliation to the education curriculum spoke with teachers in three provinces about the state of Indigenous history in the curriculum, and the growing campaign...more
Ghostbusters: popular culture, misogyny and racism
There's been a backlash against the women leading the film, especially the Black actor Leslie Jones
You wouldn’t think a reboot of a popular but anodyne film of 32 years ago, Ivan Reitman’s Ghostbusters, written by...more
Turkey: No to the coup! Fight for democracy!
Erdogan's restrictions on democracy are no justification for a military coup
We have been living through an attempted coup for the past few hours. A group within the army have been...more
After Chilcot Report: let US Iraq war resisters stay
The Chilcot report vindicates the anti-war movement, but the Canadian government still refuses to support war resisters
The Chilcot Report, released on July 6 after seven years and various delays, vindicated many of the arguments the anti-war...more
Black Lives Matter-Toronto is right
Black Lives Matter has challenged anti-Black racism, and now the press, police and mayor are on the attack
Black Lives Matter-Toronto have shown inspiring leadership in confronting anti-Black racism and encouraging a broader radicalization. Now the corporate press,...more
Historic breakthrough for the Left in Ireland
The ruling parties are losing their hold and the left is gaining on the Labour party
The recent elections in both the Republic of Ireland and North Ireland produced incredible results for the radical left and...more


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