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Fighting precarity in Ontario public sector unions
The Mississauga library workers successful strike is full of lessons for fighting austerity
The rise in precarious work in Ontario in the past decade has been dramatic. Particularly shocking is the statistic that...more
Outaouais, Québec : La Marche pour nos rivières
On August 14, La Marche pour nos rivières , a march along the whole length of the Ottawa River, was...more
Resisting the "Sixties Scoop” theft of Indigenous children
Indigenous peoples are demanding justice for the theft of children in the 1960s
“Treaties did not give the government the right to take our children,” announced Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day to over...more
Time for a war on the real drug dealers: Big Pharma
Capitalism profits off our health
For many, awareness of the unbridled greed of the pharmaceutical industry began a year ago with their introduction to Martin...more
Working for cool capitalists
hipster capitalists are still capitalists
It’s Sunday afternoon, and I’m cutting the tops off of strawberries. The gleaming countertop reflects back an image of me...more
Disability activists block Westminster Bridge
Disabled People Against Cuts are fighting austerity
Hours before the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Brazil tonight, Wednesday, disabled activists blocked Westminster Bridge in London...more
Trudeau: widespread selfies and hidden imperialism
Trudeau is posing for photos while quietly sending troops to guard mining profits in Africa
While the Prime Minister was spending his time photo-bombing families on beaches in western Canada, the defence minister Harjit Sajan...more
Canada’s killer elite
Trudeau has brought make it easier to sell weapons
While the docile media swooned over our shirtless Prime Minister, his government was quietly endorsing changes to the export rules...more
No to intervention in Syria by Turkey and all other states!
Turkish tanks invade Syria
Socialists in Turkey and Syria denounce Turkish invasion
Turkish and Syrian socialists have issued a joint statement on August 31: While the big powers and their allies attempt...more
The police, anti-Black racism and capitalism
End Police Brutality
Disarm and then abolish the police
On Sunday, July 24, Ottawa police killed Abdirahman Abdi, a 37-year-old Somali-Canadian man with mental health issues. The circumstances were...more


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