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Thousands take to the streets to demand action to tackle climate change during Quebec Election
Quebec solidaire is amplifying the climate justice movement's demands for change
On Saturday, a large demonstration took place in Montreal where thousands of people showed up to demand protection of the...more
Ford and the fight for $15 and fairness
The same organizing strategy that won partial victory on $15 and fairness can defend and extend the gains
The situation looks dire. On Sept 7 the Chamber of Commerce called the immediate repeal of all of 148. On...more
Quebec election watch: mid-campaign, the tide turns
CAQ is trying to whip up racism to promote austerity, but QS is rising in the polls as a left alternative
Coverage of the Quebec election campaign in English Canada has focused on the big issue of contention thrown into the...more
Solidarity with Serena Williams
She's exposing the racist and sexist double standards in sports
As a life-long tennis fan, I’ve seen Serena Williams dominate the sport for the last twenty years, from a 19-year-old...more
Support free and accessible transit in Ottawa and across Canada
An alliance of riders and drivers is pushing for free mass transit to address the climate crisis
At $3.50, fares for Ottawa’s public transit service OC Transpo are the most expensive of any major city in Canada...more
The August job numbers: Beyond the big business spin
The 1% want to kill bill 148 by falsely claiming it hurts workers
The August job numbers are out and on the face of it they look grim for the workers of Ontario...more
Kaepernick and Nike: it’s the message not the merch
That Nike sided with the sidelined quarterback rather than the NFL shows the broad support for his anti-racist actions
Last week, after over a year in NFL wilderness, Colin Kaepernick, the former Super Bowl starting quarterback for the San...more
Quebec solidaire on Labour Day : 15$ is possible
By Chantal Sundaram Labour Day is not an important political day in Quebec. Quebec unions march on May 1st, historically...more
Sex ed curriculum: teachers resist Ford’s bullying
Teachers ar resisting "retraining" in an old non-inclusive curriculum
In response to the ill-informed fears of his socially conservative base, Doug Ford’s reactionary Conservative government has “repealed” the 2015...more
Ten reasons why you should volunteer for Jean Swanson’s ‘City We Need’ campaign
Join a grassroots campaign connected to movements for a better world
In Vancouver this fall, there’s an inspiring campaign happening. A group of activists running for city council on the COPE...more


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