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“We would greatly appreciate it if you stopped lying to the people of this province"
Students against Ford
Ford, a man of the people, or champion of the 1%?
Doug Ford is a man of many contradictions. He presents himself as a “man of the people”, but inherited a...more
Say no to war against Iran
British Royal Marines board an Iranian oil tanker last month (Pic: Ministry of Defence)
The US and its allies have a long history of meddling in Iran
The US and Britain escalated their threats of a new war in the Middle East last week, after Iran retaliated...more
The Avengers: End Game
The Avengers: End Game was just re-released with additional footages a little over a month after it hit the theater...more
Unpopular populist: Ford festering
He made a virtue of being a college dropout. He demonized Toronto, a city of 3 million, as home of...more
The mask drops: Trump uses Israel to justify unhinged racism
Trump tweets fuel racism
All pretence and disguises are gone. Donald Trump slipped the leash and launched a vile, racist twitter attack against four...more
Solidarity with Vancouver hospitality workers
Outside the prestigious Rosewood Hotel Georgia, signs with the words “One Job Should Be Enough” fluttered among over 300 primarily...more
None of us are free until all of us are free
Lessons from the Stonewall uprising for today
This is the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, often said to be the birth of the gay liberation movement...more
Canada Day: The real enemy is at home
Rally for Unist'ot'en, Vancouver December 2018. Photo : Michael YC Tseng
Genocide, concentration camps, meaning and resistance
The release of the report from the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls unleashed a furious debate...more
ATU solidarity for striking Rainforest Café workers
Cross-union solidarity boosts picket line against bad boss
On Monday June 24 we, bus drivers in Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) local 1582, joined the Rainforest Cafe workers on...more
The CAQ’s racist laws: the struggle continues
The CAQ is pushing for more division but solidarity is growing against racist laws
Unjust laws must be defied, sometimes by both legal and illegal means. The two laws fast-tracked in mid-June by the...more


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