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Long term care in a Long term crisis.
Inside report on the crisis in Ontario's Long Term Care - a crisis for workers and residents alike.
I am Heather Neiser, I have worked in Long Term Care for over 20 years as a PSW, I have...more
Protestors demand green debate
Wednesday July 17 a crowd gathered outside the CBC building in Toronto to demand a publicly televised climate debate be...more
Artists in! Billionaires out!
Rave Against Renovictions
Property developers are destroying our city.
This weekend people took to the streets of Point Grey, just outside Chip Wilson’s mansion, in a protest organized by...more
Why Marx matters: capitalism and the Metabolic Rift
Capitalism poisons the environment and our relationship to the environment.
CO 2 was identified as a prime driver of global warming in the 1950s and has been the subject of...more
‘The movement is at a critical point’—voice from Hong Kong
Mass strikes sustain the struggle for freedom in Hong Kong
After nearly two months of protests, Hong Kong’s mass movement has reached a critical moment. The movement has been preparing...more
Outside agitators and traitors: big oil's war on environmentalists
To protect its narrow interests the oil industry strives to criminalize opposition and dissent.
Capitalism is intrinsically entwined with fossil fuel power and production. Wars are fought in its interests, governments brush aside human...more
Trump’s racism inspires El Paso mass shooting in Texas
At leas 20 people were killed and a further 26 injured in a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, on...more
Stop the killing of social leaders in Colombia
Global day of action calls for peace and environmental justice
On Friday, July 26th, hundreds took to the streets of Toronto to walk for Life & Peace in Colombia, joining...more
Puerto Ricans show us how to win. Strikes and protests force out Roselló
Analysis and interviews from Puerto Rico's uprising
Republished from: “No nos vamos a cansar, te vamos a sacar” (We will not tire, we will remove you)...more
Preventing climate chaos: ideas that can win
British socialist and author Martin Empson looks at the renewed rise of environmental activism in Europe and around the world as the effects of climate chaos deepen.
I write this in the aftermath of another European heatwave. Across the continent, weather records tumbled as millions sweated in...more


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