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World Revolt: Uprisings are driven by common trends
What's behind the uprisings around the world
The protests around the globe may not be a coordinated wave, but they share long-term roots, writes Joseph Choonara. Chile:...more
Ontario Federation of Labour: Time to be bold
The biannual convention of the Ontario Federation of Labour, the umbrella organization of most unions in Ontario, will take place...more
Stop the invasion of Wet’suwet’en Territory
Rally in solidarity with Indigenous land defenders
A loud and militant crowd marched through the financial district of Toronto to oppose the Coastal GasLink/TC energy pipeline which...more
Support Research assistants unionizing at SFU
Research assistants at Simon Fraser University are unionizing!
Research assistants at Simon Fraser University are unionizing! A research assistant at SFU is someone who works under a professor...more
Cherry picking white nationalism
It says a lot about a country that the firing of a hockey commentator dominates the news for days, and...more
U N Report: Indigenous housing conditions "abhorrent"
A UN report presented October 18 by Leilani Farha, the special rapporteur on housing, outlines that Indigenous peoples live in...more
“Potentially making large areas of Earth uninhabitable "

11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency after 40 years of climate agreements have failed.

More than 11,000 scientists have signed a declaration stating, “that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency”. Their intention is...more
Green jobs mean environmental justice
Recently I attended a memorial for Chief Simon Forbister of Grassy Narrows at the Steelworkers hall in Toronto. He recently...more
Dumping Trump: Impeachment watch
October 31: Bribing the jury The US House of Representatives voted 236 to 196 to proceed with public impeachment hearings...more
Heeeeeee's Back: Ford comes out of hiding
Doug Ford is back after 5 months in hiding
Ford is coming back to the Ontario legislature with a conciliatory tone. He shut down Queen’s Park and went into...more


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