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Jason Kenney: rule of lawbreaker
Alberta premier Jason Kenney is forever going on about the “rule of law”. In January of 2018 he tweeted “The...more
Partial victory of Land Defenders: now's the time to keep up the solidarity
Less than 24 hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would not call on the paramilitary RCMP force occupying...more
NB Tories back down on health care cuts - for now
The Blaine Higgs PC government in New Brunswick has tried to make cuts to rural hospitals. They wanted to close...more
Solidarity with the teachers. If they win, we all win.
Please join the demonstrations in support of the teachers this week.
We have suffered through generations of neo-liberalism where federal and provincial governments have slashed deficits at the cost of the...more
BCNDP disgrace: throne speech hypocrisy
NDP cabinet ministers and MLA’s got a taste of their own medicine in British Columbia on Tuesday when Indigenous youth...more
All eyes on Wet'suwet'en
Wet'suwet'en, Indigenous sovereignty and just transition
This article is a primer for activists looking for more information about the Wet'suwet'en struggle to defend their lands. Events...more
It can’t happen here? Green Party sabotages ecosocialist challenge
When in early January Quebec Green Party leader and avowed ecosocialist Alex Tyrell declared his intent to run for national...more
Iowa Caucuses: Trouble in River City!
The Iowa Caucuses are a major disappointment - vote rigging and election tampering used to be a subtle art. Now...more
Danger: Tories at work
Supporters of the Doug Ford Tory government – possibly the big real estate and construction corporations that keep Conservative coffers...more
Coronavirus, racism and capitalism
A 60-year-old man has needlessly died of heart failure in Sydney, Australia’s Chinatown. Witnesses say bystanders refused to apply CPR,...more


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