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A new political consciousness in India

Anti-CAA protests, student resistance and the general strike.

In the past few weeks, a series of political demonstrations have taken place in India in response to three popular...more
First we lose Manhattan….
According to NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio, “We don’t debate global warming in New York City. Not anymore. The only question...more
Doug Ford rewards his real estate backers
Premier Doug Ford has been laying low, letting his education minister Steve Lecce take the point in his fight against...more
Smash the state! Socialism and Social Democracy
Sociallsm or Social Democracy: What's the difference?
There are all kinds of people and parties that fall under the label of socialist. The biggest difference is whether...more
Neo-Nazis flock to gun rights rally
Thousands of white supremacists, many carrying automatic weapons and decked in camouflage gear, chose to insult the legacy of Martin...more
Ontario Teachers fighting back
As the province doubles down on cuts, the teachers mobilizations are key to fighting back against Ford
Teachers in Ontario have been in a protracted struggle with the provincial government for some time. The minister of education...more
No Pipelines: Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en nation
No RCMP on Wet’suwet’en land
Solidarity is needed to stop the RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en land
On January 31, the BC supreme court granted an injunction against the people of Wet’suwet’en nation. The injunction bans the...more
Don’t let this tragedy be used to justify war.
Mourn for the victims and fight against any further killing
Justin Trudeau has said that Canada has evidence that Iran shot down the Ukrainian bound jetliner that killed 176 people,...more
Does "human nature" make socialism impossible?
We’ve all heard the arguments against socialism. ‘It will never work because of human nature.’ ‘Human beings are naturally greedy.’...more
Mass mobilization is the only way to bring down Trump
What is impeachment, why has the Democratic establishment recently embraced it, and what will it take to actually get rid...more


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