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Das Environment: Marx, Engels and radical ecology
Marx and Engels exposed capitalism's war on the planet, and provided a revolutionary alternative
For today’s radicalizing climate movement, the writings of Marx and Engels still have much to offer. They explained how capitalism's...more
Wages of despair
Chris Hedges denounces capitalism but doesn't inspire hope for an alternative
Prominent journalist Chris Hedges’ new book, Wages of Rebellion , is another scathing critique of capitalism—and the repression it doles...more
Videos: rally for injured workers
Videos of the annual Injured Workers Day rally at Queen's Park, Toronto
June 1 was Injured Workers' Day rally at Queen's Park, organized by the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups: "On...more
Truth and Reconciliation: what next for real progress?
We need to push the government to implement the TRTC recommendations and build solidarity with Indigenous struggles
On June 2, Justice Murray Sinclair released the summary report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The full report...more
Fair pharmacare now
A national pharmacare plan would save $7.3 billion and improve our health
With the Harper Government rejecting its role of strengthening and renegotiating the expired Canada Health Accord , the promised national...more
Ontario Tories: ridiculous but no joke
Simply dismissing the new Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown won't work, we need to organize
In 1996, a couple of creepy young dweebs named David Frum and Ezra Levant organized a conference called “The Winds...more
Public sector common front can take on austerity
Public sector unions need to bargain together and strike together
Public sector workers in Ontario are facing an intransigent provincial government bent on imposing the austerity agenda at the bargaining...more
Toronto marches against Bill C-51
The Liberal/Tory support for Bill C-51 has not stopped the majority opposition to the draconian bill
May 30 was another day of action across Canada against the secret police bill C-51 . Continuing the waves of...more
State of the anti-war movement today
A new documentary of the 2003 anti-war movement reminds us that mass resistance is possible
The recent release of Amir Amirani’s documentary We are Many tells the story of the global Stop the War march...more
Are the courts a solution to the stripping of BC teachers’ contracts?
A legal strategy can take time, money and focus away from mobilizing workers and building alliances
At recess time on April 30 of this year, many public school teachers around BC pulled out their smartphones to...more


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