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A world beyond tar sands: the fight for climate jobs
The fight for climate jobs challenges the austerity agenda and reduces the climate crisis
The IPCC report from last year said that climate change would produce “severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts” if not reduced,...more
Egypt: resisting the counter-revolution
The Western-backed dictatorship is taking it's revenge on the revolution, but the counter-revolution is unsustainable
This is an excerpt of Sameh Naguib’s interview with Tariq Ali on the show The World Today. For the full...more
Bombing Iraq breeds ISIS
The Iraq War is arming and recruiting for ISIS
The Western war against ISIS is not going well. The takeover of the Iraqi city of Ramadi was a humiliating...more
Video: Irish resistance, against privatization and homophobia
Irish activist Rory O'Neil speaks about the campaigns against water privatization and in support of equal marriage
Irish activist Rory O'Neil, from the Socialist Workers Party (Ireland) , spoke in Toronto about the campaign against water privatization,...more
Bill C-51: Liberals join Tory terror once again
The opposition outside Parliament has exposed Trudeau, the Liberals' record, and 'strategic voting'
Despite widespread opposition, Bill c-51 passed in the Senate on June 9, with a vote of 44-28. Justifying the draconian...more
Capitalism: from Davis Day to the present day
The spirit of William Davis, shot by company police 90 years ago, lives on
June 11 is a little known holiday in the mining towns of Cape Breton. In these towns it is known...more
Jacques Parizeau’s tragic solitude
Parizeau's commitment to sovereignty was undermined by the PQ's bourgeois nationalism
Living, Jacques Parizeau was inconvenient; dead, he triumphs. As an icon, as the architect of a past long gone, he...more
Chippewas of the Thames call for solidarity against Line 9
Supports Chippewas of the Thames in defending their land and water from Big Oil
Leaders of the Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (COTTFN) will be in Toronto next week, pursuing their legal challenge...more
Interview: Indigenous activist wins human rights case against federal government
Cindy Blackstock has exposed Harper's underfunding of First Nations children, and resisted retaliation
The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, together with the Assembly of First Nations, launched a human rights complaint...more
Antonio Gramsci, revolutionary
We can learn much from Gramsci as we face economic crisis, the threat of fascism, and the hope of revolution.
Antonio Gramsci is one of the few Marxist historical figures who have consistently retained popularity in the halls of universities...more


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