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Decolonize education
Teaching Truly: A Curriculum to Indingenize Mainstream Education
The First Nations llived sustainably for thousands of years without the poison of capitalism, there is lots to learn about learning from them.
For thousands of years the Indigenous peoples of what is now the Americas lived in sustainable relationships with the world...more
New Brunswick PC youth want ‘Progressive’ removed from name
PC youth want the name to reflect their policies, which are a century out of date
As Stephen Harper once said, “the term Progressive Conservative will immediately raise suspicions in all of your minds. It should...more
Altogether to fight racism
Black Lives Matter-Toronto protested racism on both sides of the border, while a Winnipeg conference discussed oppression
The first week of May included anti-racist events from Toronto to Winnipeg—challenging anti-Black racism, colonialism and Islamophobia. Within days of...more
UK election: why the Tories won and next steps against austerity
The Tories won because Labour was too far right, not left
The general election result was a bitter blow. The rich cheered and the jubilant Tories are gearing up fast for...more
Austerity kills
On April 17, the community of Davenport in Toronto lost Jose Eduardo Rivera Gomez from among its poor population. It...more
Violence against Indigenous women: Tories blame the community
Instead of an inquiry the Tories offer statistics warped by racism
Alberta RCMP announced in April that the remains of yet another missing Indigenous woman had been found near Edmonton. Perhaps...more
Peel teachers on strike
Teachers are striking for better education
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation ( OSSTF ) are currently on strike, with teachers’ autonomy and class size being two...more
Cégep professors join student strike on May Day
Despite government threats of fines, professors went on strike against austerity
Cégep professors in a dozen schools joined many Quebec students who went on strike on May Day , May 1...more
May Day in Gatineau: a step towards confrontation?
The demo shows the potential for challenging Couillard
The May Day demonstration in Gatineau, with about 2000 participants, was the largest demonstration of any kind to hit the...more
Quebec: the spark and the flame
The challenge is making the Front Commun real for rank and file workers catching up with the questions students are asking.
Another "Rage Against the System: Marxism 2015" panel on “Quebec and Austerity” took the discussion further about the relationship between...more


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