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Yemen: Western-backed war is killing civilians
'Decisive Storm' is decisively bloody
While Yemen is witnessing the fourth Arab Spring anniversary , Western backed Saudi Arabia is launching devastating military attacks on...more
Bill C-51 targets First Nations activists
Bill C-51 further criminalizes indigenous dissent. I can't be amended but must be ended
In the confusion immediately following the shooting on Parliament Hill in October 2014, Globe and Mail reporter Bill Curry sent...more
Building working-class solidarity: The fight for $15
On the April 15 day of action, fight for $15 and fairness
Ontario’s Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage and the Fight for $15 movement in the United States have renewed the...more
Métis in Space: bringing decolonization to the far reaches of the universe
This podcast uses satire to expose the stereotypes of science fiction
Indigenous stereotypes, racism, and sexism may reach distant planets long before human beings do. Broadcasts of our favourite science fiction...more
The minimum wage and the crisis of capitalism
The fight for $15 not only increases wages but also exposes the capitalist exploitation on which wages and profits are based
With significant movements getting under way across Canada to increase minimum wages, like BC’s fight for $15 , it’s important...more
The Front National is using its votes to build fascism in France
Fascists are feeding off of austerity, Islamophobia and "anti-terror" legislation
Could Marine Le Pen’s fascist Front National (FN) win the next French presidential election in 2017? The dominant trend on...more
To protect water, fight environmental racism
Supporting Indigenous rights helps protect water for all
March 21 was the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; the day after, March 22, was World Water...more
The niqab ban and Tory scapegoating
To oppose Bill C-51 we need to oppose the Islamophobia and war that drives it.
From distracting from their anti-choice or anti-climate policies, to promoting war and attacks on civil liberties, the Tories attack on...more
Quebec Spring returns
Thousands joined the start of weekly anti-austerity protests, as tens of thousands of students are on strike
On Saturday March 21, the start of spring, thousands rallied at Place Emelie Gamelin, the "Tahrir Square" of Quebec's Maple...more
Security certificates are the pilot project for Bill C-51
Security certificates show the threat of C-51 and the importance of resistance
Under the current (pre-C51) so-called “Immigrant and Refugee Protection Act” the government can detain, without charge, for years on end,...more


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