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Keeping down the Honduran campesino
The coup that Canada and Clinton supported is waging war on peasants/landless farmers
On January 25, 2015 a contingent of men with military-grade weapons shot over two dozen bullets into the offices of...more
Canada-India cooperation: nuclear power vs people power
Global solidarity doesn't come from the nuclear industry or Crime Ministers, but through movements for peace, climate justice and equality
Harper has deported temporary workers, many from India, but welcomed Crime Minister Modi. While the official visit was to fuel...more
Reliance on fossil fuels leads to yet another spill
Oil spill in Burrard inlet shows folly of continued reliance on fossil fuels
A ship on its way to pick up grain spilled 2,700 litres of fuel into Burrard Inlet. This is the...more
Toronto rallies for $15 and fairness
April 15 was a global day of action, with strikes and protests to raise the minimum wage
In three separate actions today workers in Toronto rallied for $15 and fairness, which launched the campaign across Ontario as...more
Drone terrorism
Ethan Hawke's drone pilot character shifts from cynicism to opposition
While American Sniper glorifies the Iraq War, Good Kill exposes the brutality of drone warfare from Afghanistan to Yemen. Writer/Director...more
WWII Internment of Japanese Canadians: a lesson forgotten
In the 1940s Canada scapegoated the Japanese community, now it is the Muslim community
Following Japan’s December 7, 1941 attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, racism and paranoia toward the...more
Tens of thousands march for climate justice
Like the People's Climate March last September, Act on Climate mobilized the 99% for climate justice
Today tens of thousands joined the Act on Climate march in Quebec city, territory of the Huron-Wendat, demanding climate justice...more
Vimy Ridge, 'birth of a nation'?
'didn't see nobody getting born,just a lot of people dying'
Interview I did years ago with 'Rosie' Rowbottham who fought and was wounded at Vimy Ridge. "Birth of Nation?" said...more
Quebec student strike reprise at a crossroads
With a more explosive beginnning, broader goals but also more fragmentation, there's widespread debate about the strike
We are now witnessing the third strike by Quebec university and college students within 10 years. This is not a...more
The roots of Al Shabaab
The US/Ethiopian war on Somalia provided a recruitment tool for Al Shabaab
The killing of 148 students at Kenya’s Garissa University College by Somali Islamist insurgents Al Shabaab marks the latest episode...more


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