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Québec solidaire: the ballot box and the street
The rise of QS reflects movements against austerity
The conference "Rage Against the System: Marxism 2015" in Toronto on April 25 welcomed via Skype representatives of parties challenging...more
May Day in Quebec: dress rehearsal for the fight against austerity?
May 1 saw more than 100 protests and strikes across Quebec, which built local struggles against austerity
Unlike English Canada, Quebec never lost the tradition of May 1 as the international day for workers’ rights (instead of...more
Ottawa May Day
The rally demands included stopping Bill C-51 and tar sands, eliminating tuition and raising the minimum wage
Working class under attack! What do we do? March in the streets of Ottawa with over 200 participants, to demonstrate...more
Austerity in Ontario
The Ontario Liberals are showing their true colours, with cuts, privatization and wage freezes
A huge fight is brewing between the provincial government, teachers and the Ontario public sector. The Liberal government tried to...more
May 1 revolutionary greetings from Kobanê
The revolution of Rojova has resisted ISIS and imperialist powers
Worker comrades! Organizations, syndicates and trade unions of workers! With warm regards of workers from Canton of Kobanê, the Canton...more
Jason Kenney, Warlord
Kenney's lies facilitate Canada's wars in Iraq, Syria and Ukraine
Welcome to the first installment in a new occasional series starring Canada’s unloveable Warlord, Minister of Defence Jason Kenney. Unloveable...more
Migrant deaths in the Mediterranean: blood on Harper’s hands
Harper's policies are complicity, waging wars that drive people from their homelands, and preventing their safe welcome
“We found, literally, a floating cemetery. Bodies were everywhere. With the dinghies we had to literally slalom among the corpses,”...more
20 years in prison for failed pregnancy
So-called "feticide"laws punish women and pay lip service to children
This month, four decades of anti-woman, anti-abortion hysteria in the US hit a new low. Last August, an Indiana woman...more
Harper and Oliver deliver Bay Street’s budget
The Tory "balanced budget" is neither balanced nor an actual budget
The lapdogs at the Canadian Taxpayer Federation were quick to praise the Tories for having the “discipline to get back...more
Capitalism and precarity
Workers have a common interest in defending each other’s ability to organize
A recent interview with American socialist Charlie Post on Jacobin questions one of the common sense ideas among many sections...more


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